1976 Tampa Bay Helmet

New guy here. Hopefully I am not showing complete ignorance to start of my stay here, but were the AFC pro bowl helmets not the regular season helmets of the player that was simply painted over for one game? If so, Garo would not have had a red shell helmet. It should be a white shelled helmet with red paint.

The Bucs helmet seems odd because of the single stripe at the top and the reversed logos. I know that the original concept for the Bucs helmet (displayed at the H.O.F) has the reversed logo, but not the single stripe. It's quite late in the auction, but I would at least like to confirm or deny my suspusions.

He also has a "1977 Joe Furgeson style" Bills helmet, supposedly from the locker room, but I don't know much about Bills helmets of the era. He also has an AFC Pro Bowl helmet.

Mark (the new guy)