Quote Originally Posted by 3arod13 View Post
Something needs to be done about this at UPS. I submitted a Derek Jeter bat for authentication. While my wife and I were at home, I heard a noise at the front door. As I approached the door, I saw the UPS guy running away towards his truck. I opened the door, picked up the package, and immediately noticed two things. One end of the package was open and the box was empty. I yelled at the UPS guy and told him the item was missing. I also made him aware that there is no way he could handle that box and not realize the box was empty.

I made him stay there while I called UPS. I then immediately went down to UPS. While waiting in an office for more than 45 minutes, the bat showed up. They said they found it in a mail bin. What! Are you serious?

Well, I got lucky. Catching him at the door is what made UPS worry.

This is common with UPS. They know what is in those tubes and they have many thieves working for UPS.

Good ending for your Jeter.

My last UPS debacle was with a box top was peeled back and 1 of the 4 bats was missing and it was the most valuable one of the bunch.

I went as far as filing a report with the Police but that did nothing. It took a few months and UPS finally paid up after giving me the run around. I felt they put you through the torture test hoping you give up on your claim. In my situation it was a very expensive bat.

If you Google search "UPS Theft", there are some interesting stories on there.

Have you ever been to a UPS facility at closing time? The drivers are basically searched leaving the facility by security which is laughable as most thefts happen on their route. The smart theif has someone on the route that they give their stolen items to.

Quote Originally Posted by trsent
Then, about three months later, on SportsNet (aka CoinNet) I saw my card for sale. I called UPS to tell them I found the lost-stolen card. They were so interested, they didn't even call me to follow up. I guess once the pay a claim they don't care if the unique, stolen-lost item is found.
Joel's situation would have been one to call the Police and have them confiscate the card as stolen property and follow back to see where they got it from. Its a shame they didn't care enough, but maybe it is a sign that they have so much stolen property it is a write-off and too much time to follow up.