
I don't know the last time we agreed on anything, but I thank you for your comments, and I must state that I also agree with you 100 percent in regard to your statement.

"We all know this is not true, as GAI has certified plenty of genuine items as their prices are often more competitive than PSA/DNA and JSA so a lot of people used their services."

I have many items certified by GAI that I personally sent to them for authentication. It was not that I needed to know, but that others may feel more comfortable with nationally known third party authentication.

They have also turned down items I have sent in, which we have tended to disagree on.

A major contributing factor in my decision to use GAI instead of JSA or PSA/DNA is the cost factor.

Being as PSA/DNA charges 100 just to look at a Mantle autograph, and JSA charges 75, with shipping and insurance both ways added on top of that, a seller's profit margin has been reduced considerably.

It has actually, on a number of times, been more profitable for the authentication company then it was for me, as the owner and seller. That is right, they made more money off of an item then I did.

Another favorable factor in using GAI is if an item does not pass, they don't charge you the full amount as PSA/DNA and JSA does.

To some, they see this as an incentive to just past things regardless of the items probability for authenticity. But I believe they are missing the main point, which is to help collectors and dealers save some money.

As I stated, I have had a number of items turned down over the years which I believe to be real, as well as some that were questionable. I know first hand GAI does not just past anything to increase their bottom line.

It is called integrity. They are constantly trying to improve their abilities and services, and I for one will continue to use them, as well as the other companies.