I have received a couple of emails re: Danny aka bubbarubb25, that im basically uncompassionate ahole & a jerk. I apologize to Danny for outing him on the forum. I probably jumped the gun.

I also want to apologize to Tim @ hof bats, when I first got in to GU collecting, Tim was one of first people that I met (talked to). I had bought a bat from him then changed my mind due to a post on the forum telling people to stay away from this particular bat, and I hurt his feelings because I believed people in the post and I questioned his knowledge of game used bats. I have apologized in emails to Tim and regret burning a bridge with him. He really is a great guy and alot of you already know that.

Strike one for me

I also want to apologize to Rob L, we were involved in a trade back in Nov. or Dec. I was not able to complete the trade/cash deal. At that time it was a real bad time for me $ wise. I'm sorry Rob about that.

Strike two for me

I apologize to Danny for outing him on the forum, I didn't mean to embaress him or make him look bad.

Strike three im out.

As some of you know a year and half ago I was diagnosed with severe meniere's disease. My life has changed dramactically I lost my job as a radio dj and producer for a couple of radio shows, I've lost my hearing, lost people who I thought were my friends, family members who turn their backs on me cause I dont make the money I used to make. I can't do alot of things I used to and I dont want to get into it. The point is I'm not the same guy I was back then.

I think it's best I just leave the forum and find a new hobby, I don't want to cause problems. Thank you to anyone that helped me on here. There are lot of good people on here. I have enjoyed reading the posts and seeing pictures of peoples collection.

I Wish everyone the best and take care,
