I went to the Braves/White Sox exibition on April 1st and I actually caught 2 balls! What are the odds that me,a game used collector,just so happens to catch 2 balls in 1 game?! I did the smart thing though when I caught both baseballs; I wrote down as much info as I could so that when I get home, I could find out every person who used the ball. The first one was a foul ball,pitched by Jon Garland and hit by Matt Diaz. It bounced off some guys' glove and I quickly picked it up. The second ball could have a lot of value I think. It was used during an entire 4-pitch at-bat! Jorge Sosa was the pitcher,Clint Sammons was the catcher,Andy Gonzalez hit the ball,and Matt Diaz caught the ball to end the inning then he threw it to me. Good thing I recorded the game! It took awhile but I took tons of pictures on my TV and got good screen-shots of the baseballs in action which I put on my website: http://www.freewebs.com/gameused/myg...memorablia.htm Also, I met tons of players. I brought $120 worth of brand new Braves hats with me and I met the following players (who I got autographs from): Jeff Francoeur,Marcus Giles,Horacio Ramirez,Chris Reitsma,and Mike Remlinger.