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  1. #51
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    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'

    Quote Originally Posted by allstarsplus View Post
    The Red Sox won't take Manny back so unless the Angels or Yankees jump in then Manny better take that deal and run with it.

    Also I am still personally hoping Adam Dunn comes to Washington!!!!
    I think Dunn should wake up and smell the coffee this year as well. Unless you are signing with the Yankees, longtime deals are not happening. I believe Dunn is waiting for Manny to go somewhere and that will dictate his direction....... If Manny signs in LA, look for Dunn in WA as nobody else has shown the clear interest that WA has shown him all along. I doubt he'd sign there beyond a year...
    Skyking26 - 35 year collector of Dave Kingman memorabilia. Also seek 500 HR and 3000 Hit GU Bats,
    and 1968, 1984, HOF Tigers GU Bats...Skyking442@hotmail.com

  2. #52
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    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'

    News out.......Manny just turned down a one year-$25 Million offer from the Dodgers.

    Hopefully, that's a negotiation "starting point" and a way for the Dodgers to stick it back in the "craw" of Boras.

    But I really hope the children put it all aside now, and get down to the business of getting the deal done.

    The Dodgers need Manny's bat, or they're just another one-and-done if they make the play-offs. Manny earned what he's looking for. Give him three years in the neighborhood of $24 mil, and LET'S ROCK.

  3. #53
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    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'

    I too really appreciate the lively posters here. What a fun place to "air it out".

    One thing I am picking up by all the comments seems to be a common feeling (correct me if I'm wrong) that if Manny, when happy, is one of the greatest right hand power hitters of all time.

    If that is true, and I believe it is, and in light of some of the most rediculous salaries paid in MLB history (Jason Schmidt of the Dodgers and Barry Zito of the Giants jump out at me)......doesn't Manny DESERVE something close to what he is looking for? I mean, if the Dodgers can just get the concept in their heads that this guy can produce runs like NO OTHER IN THE GAME, why not make him happy? It's not a big risk!

    On the other hand, try to low-ball him after what he did for the franchise last year (for FREE.....Boston paid his tab while Manny blew the doors off in Los Angeles)......and end up with a Manny who feels he has been disrespected again? I mean.......wake UP Dodgers, that is something that would be no one's fault but your own if that scenario comes to fruition.

    Pay him.....give him a 3-year deal. Sign him, and look forward to some great times in Dodgers history again. I don't CARE about what Manny did while in Boston. You fans out there got two World Championships out of him. He wasn't happy there. Let it GO already. Let's all move on. If it was the other way around, I know I would be wishing Manny well wherever he was if he had brought two World Championships to L.A.

    This guy is a legend.....even if he isn't the perfect role model to all of you off the field. But he doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink, he isn't a wife beater, he doesn't do drugs, he works HARD to keep himself in top shape....I mean, geez.....I understand why he feels bad that he isn't getting more interest. I think he needs to understand it's the economy, too, and not a reflection ENTIRELY on him.

  4. #54
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    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'


    That's all I have to say about Cry Baby ManRam and his 'nobody wants me' little tirade...

    LOOK at the rest of the country and how many people are losing their jobs DAILY you arrogant idiot...

    Just my .02 and I'm entitled to it.

  5. #55
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    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'

    Quote Originally Posted by suicide_squeeze View Post
    I too really appreciate the lively posters here. What a fun place to "air it out".

    One thing I am picking up by all the comments seems to be a common feeling (correct me if I'm wrong) that if Manny, when happy, is one of the greatest right hand power hitters of all time.

    If that is true, and I believe it is, and in light of some of the most rediculous salaries paid in MLB history (Jason Schmidt of the Dodgers and Barry Zito of the Giants jump out at me)......doesn't Manny DESERVE something close to what he is looking for? I mean, if the Dodgers can just get the concept in their heads that this guy can produce runs like NO OTHER IN THE GAME, why not make him happy? It's not a big risk!

    On the other hand, try to low-ball him after what he did for the franchise last year (for FREE.....Boston paid his tab while Manny blew the doors off in Los Angeles)......and end up with a Manny who feels he has been disrespected again? I mean.......wake UP Dodgers, that is something that would be no one's fault but your own if that scenario comes to fruition.

    Pay him.....give him a 3-year deal. Sign him, and look forward to some great times in Dodgers history again. I don't CARE about what Manny did while in Boston. You fans out there got two World Championships out of him. He wasn't happy there. Let it GO already. Let's all move on. If it was the other way around, I know I would be wishing Manny well wherever he was if he had brought two World Championships to L.A.

    This guy is a legend.....even if he isn't the perfect role model to all of you off the field. But he doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink, he isn't a wife beater, he doesn't do drugs, he works HARD to keep himself in top shape....I mean, geez.....I understand why he feels bad that he isn't getting more interest. I think he needs to understand it's the economy, too, and not a reflection ENTIRELY on him.
    He's a legend all right. The larger the legend in his mind the harder it will all be on him. No question, he's one of the best RH hitters of our time...That said, his attitude and all that has been written regarding his "one-ness," I think this last move, if I were the Dodgers I'd forget him entirely and sign Dunn. Leave manny out there. I'd be done with his attitude and the cancer he brings with him. Precious few will pay what he wants.
    Skyking26 - 35 year collector of Dave Kingman memorabilia. Also seek 500 HR and 3000 Hit GU Bats,
    and 1968, 1984, HOF Tigers GU Bats...Skyking442@hotmail.com

  6. #56
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    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'

    Suicide, yes you are wrong. Manny may be a good hitter. But who cares???

    He refuses 25m to play a freaking game for one season. What an ass!

    I hope no ones signs the clown. He is only one player. Signing him does guarantee a World Championship.

    One question for you. How many clutch hits from David Ortiz (and others players on the team besides Manny) won key games for the Red Sox that helped the Sox win the WS in 2004 and 2007?

    Contrary to what you are saying it was not even close to being all Manny.

    Baseball is a team sport!
    Thank you,

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  7. #57
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    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'

    Quote Originally Posted by skyking26 View Post
    He's a legend all right. The larger the legend in his mind the harder it will all be on him. No question, he's one of the best RH hitters of our time...That said, his attitude and all that has been written regarding his "one-ness," I think this last move, if I were the Dodgers I'd forget him entirely and sign Dunn. Leave manny out there. I'd be done with his attitude and the cancer he brings with him. Precious few will pay what he wants.
    I'm sorry, I just don't get it?

    skyking26, I absolutely love and respect your posts, but I just don't understand all the Manny hatred.

    "I'd be done with his attitude and the cancer he brings with him."

    Let me tell you, what I saw first hand for three months last year was an attitude of "WIN" that electrified the Dodgers SO MUCH SO, it darn near carried them straight to the World Series. For Christ sake, they LOST to the eventual World Series winners? Where does that leave them?? To lose Manny at this point, they just wouldn't recover.

    Signing Dunn to replace Manny is laughable. The guy strikes out 200+ times a season.......Hell, we just got rid of a player like that, and Andruw Jones to the best of my knowledge isn't having anybody knock on his door.....

    And now, with a little play-off experience under their belts, Loney, Russell, Ethier, DeWitt.....these youngsters NEED an elite veteran like Manny to pick them up when they falter. The "cancer" Manny brought was the "GOLDEN ELIXER" that lifted this team. You cannot consider the "mess" that happened in Boston, that's a whole other chapter, and it's OVER.

    Listen, I understand the hatred and anger about Manny and his "money wants".....but I stand by my belief.....compared to other contracts, and based on past performance, the dude DESERVES what he is looking for.... HE CAN BACK IT UP......AND HAS BACKED IT UP, consistently.

    If the Dodgers don't sign him, they will be the losers.....the money will flow in, Los Angeles Dodger management......just take care of it from your end and SIGN HIM....or your fan base will dissolve faster than two Alka-Seltzer's dropped in a glass of boiling water........

    I'll leave it at this.......

    In late September, in a game against FIRST PLACE Arizona, with their ACE Brandon Webb on the mound......in a ZERO-ZERO game......and the game that would give sole posession of FIRST PLACE to the DODGERS if they won.....Manny stepped up to the plate with runners on first and second. I was there.....the crowd was screaming "MANNY.....MANNY....MANNY"

    He had struck out with bases loaded in the third. This time......CRACK!!!

    He hit a three run homer to right.....He then got up in the 6th and knocked in two more.

    The Arizona Diamonds never recovered....and the Dodgers never relinguished first place for the rest of the season.

    You want to let this guy get away, Los Angeles???

  8. #58

    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'

    Quote Originally Posted by suicide_squeeze View Post

    You want to let this guy get away, Los Angeles???
    No, just send him 30 miles down the Freeway
    Rob L

    Always On the Look Out for Troy Percival & Randy Johnson Gamers

    Rob L's Baseball Memorabilia website: GU Troy Percival, GU Randy Johnson, GU Angels, GU Baseball, 19th Century Baseball and Autographs. Also a huge Game Used Resource page and Game Used Collectors Page: www.loefflerrd.webs.com

  9. #59
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    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'

    I think Manny will do well for a year and MAYBE two. What happened in LA this past year was awesome but I don't think lightning will strike twice. It seemed like he was auditioning for a 2009 contract and what a performance it was. In any other economy, he'd get what he's asking for but in this new day and age of 1 year deals, this may have been his last chance wirth the Dodgers. I'm sorry but I think I'd rather have Dunn and Hudson and maybe dangle DeWitt as trade bait for Peavy...I know it's a long shot but it's along the line of what the Padres were asking for. Pierre is also looking to get traded if he's on the bench so that may also be another pitcher or 2. The rest of the west has stepped up with their rotations and the Dodgers need to look at doing the same by letting Manny go to the unemployment line.

  10. #60
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    Re: OT: Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me'

    Just to compare some stats from the 2004 Post Season....

    David Ortiz


    BOSALDiv 3 11 4 6 2 0 1 4 0 0 5 2 0 3 0 0 0 .545 .688 1.000 1688

    ALCh 7 31 6 12 0 1 3 11 0 1 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 .387 .457 .742 1199

    ALWs 4 13 3 4 1 0 1 4 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 .308 .471 .615 1086

    22 hits and 19 total RBI's for the post season

    Manny Ramirez

    BOSALDiv 3 13 3 5 2 0 1 7 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 2 0 .385 .375 .769 1144

    ALCh 7 30 3 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 1 0 0 0 3 .300 .417 .333 750

    ALWs 4 17 2 7 0 0 1 4 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 .412 .500 .588 1088

    21 hits 11 total RBI's for the post season , No RBI's in the ALCS

    My point is, it is not all about Manny! Without Big Papi , do the Red Sox win the 2004 World Series? Do the Sox even make it to the WS? It is a team sport......

    In the 2007 WS Ortiz batted 5/15 with 4 rbi's , Manny 4/16 with 2 rbi's.
    Each had two walks....

    Varitek was 5/15 w/ 5 rbi's

    So who won the 2007 WS for the SOX? Pitching ??? I think it was a collective team effort...

    Not sure how one can say Manny brought two World Series Championships to the Red Sox? Sure he was part of it. But it is a team sport.

    Have you looked up Manny salaries?

    It's nothing to sneeze at ! Dis-respected .....

    Since 2001 ......

    137 MILLION !!

    Thank you,

    This is my email address here!
    dzscope at gmail dot com

    Email is best for personal messages...



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