Quote Originally Posted by suicide_squeeze View Post
P.S. Sorry for the typo's and misspells.......I was in a hurry!
Yeah, I know how that is...trying to get everything typed before your head explodes, huh?

Quote Originally Posted by eisenreich8
I suppose I can thank Ramirez for his monumental contributions to the two World Championships, without advocating for his lack of class and decency in other regards.
Absolutely. Randy Johnson was a tower of pitching awesomeness for the DBacks in '01...I still get gooseflesh thinking about him walking slowly out to the mound to pitch relief in the bottom of the eighth in Game 7, after starting and getting the win in Game 6...but he's also a childish, inconsiderate jerk, and nothing he ever did for the team is gonna blind me to that reality.

Quote Originally Posted by Mr. 3000
I wonder how many players we idolize from the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's beat their wives, cheated, were homosexual....and we never knew, therefore we didn't care.
Not to try to steer this thread off-track or anything - and certainly not with the intention of starting any rumors about myself - but...does that third item really belong on the list of "transgressions and offenses" for which an athlete (or anybody else) should be thought less of?