Quote Originally Posted by markize View Post
I could care less about Manny, the Red Sox, or the Dodgers, but I need to know.....it's not ok for the Sox to do what they can to pay him less, but it's ok for him to quit on his team? Plus there is the integrity issue-faking injuries. Ok, so you were disrespected, but play hard, make the management look bad, and then go get your cash.

Outside of the media and the tabloids, I don't see any of his stats indicating that he ever didn't play hard or that he quit on his team. His last 100 games for Boston, 109 hits, 20 HR, 68 RBI, .299 BA.....damn good for a "quitter".

Again, I am not a Manny fan but I hate to see someone unjustly trashed. It's quite pathetic....especially when it's obvious someone is buying into the media garbage and not the actual stats or facts.

Show me one stat that proves he didn't give his all. And I said STAT.....not rumor, not article and not media gossip.