Hi Greg , Jim, Marcus, and all:

Here's some basic information on barrel labeling of the time, but for more detailed information I will defer to Marcus who has an incredible resource with the side-written bats in his possession. This was the basic info used prior to the H & B vault sale which redefined some of the labeling concepts below.

"In general, here were the very basic the guidelines for barrel labeling only:

1922 to 1932: TRADEMARK written above signature
REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. written below signature

1932 to 1936: no writing above or below signature.... this is the most
commonly seen variation during this time period.

mid-1936 through 1940's: GENUINE written above signayure
REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. written below signature

The early 1930's were pretty transitional years in H & B labeling, for instance it is possible that the word GENUINE appeared on the barrel of some professional model bats as early as 1932. Also, the 1922 labeling, may have appeared in late 1921, and some variation of the 1932 labeling as early as late 1931."

As Marcus identifies the center labeling in greater detail, hopefully he will offer additional insight into the barrel labeling as well. Also a good internet source for viewinf numerous bats of this era is at www.leftfieldcollectibles.com and look at the Vintage Bats section of the left hand menu. I believe a direct link is
Each bat listed can be viewed by clicking on the individual player's name in the left column.

Good Luck in future collecting.
