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  1. #81

    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    Not that I believed he was completely truthful at his press conference, but sounds like he has more 'splaining to do:

    Rob L

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  2. #82
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    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    Quote Originally Posted by frikativ54 View Post
    Honestly, who is clean? I think all this blaming of A-Rod is selective outrage, namely, finding a scapegoat for what everybody did. A-Rod shouldn't have done what he did, but he admitted to it, and now we as fans have to forgive him. Just like we forgive a nobody who tested positive for steroids. I don't think he is not a HOFer just because of steroids. He was also facing competition that was also on the juice.

    With all due respect, no, he did not admit it. He is continuing to lie about this. The thing he supposedly apologized for is a ruse. That stuff is not what caused his positive test. He is in damage control mode. He is apologizing for something lesser than what he really did in order to throw us off the case. He is trying to minimize the hit to his reputation. I don't believe a word that this POS says. The problem in my mind is not that they cheated. The problem is that they have such a low regard for my intelligence as a fan that they will pretend....

    1. That they didn't know what they were putting into their bodies.

    2. That they were ignorant of how to use it so it probably didn't even help them.

    3. That they only took something effedra based for "energy" and not GH or Testosterone and the like.

    4. That they only took it for a very short time and now they are clean.

    BALONEY! Just because I'm not a rich billionaire don't think of me as a fool. Their stories are constantly changing and they have no problem lying right to my face as a fan. F these guys. All of them.

  3. #83
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    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    I don't think even ARod's supporters really believe his "I was a naive young ten year veteran" schtict." He knew what he was doing and taking, including making up the fantasy story for the press. Turns out the drug he named in the press coverage is illegal without prescription in the D.R. Either made up the drug name in attempt to hide other, worse drugs he used or he used the drug illegaly (black market). His "innocent" story of how he "took over the counter drugs" is just a story. The drug he named couldn't have been taken over the counter.

  4. #84
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    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    I should add that the only way anyone lets his untrained cousin inject something into him is if you know it's illegal (heroin, steroids, other) or otherwise wrong.

    Any sane, law abiding citizen is going to stick to shots from nurses, doctors or other medically trained and certified officials. Uncle Bud and Aunt Louis are not on the list of people who I allow to give me my flu shot.

    Now, if you're a heroin addict in an ally or taking illegal steroids, then it would be believable you'd let your Cousin Vinny give you the shot

  5. #85
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    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    All of sudden- McGwire doesn't look like such an idiot. At least he didn't lie.

    I think ARod may come out of this looking like a real fool. If more information starts to leak and more information comes out, that ARod wasn't truthful.

  6. #86
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    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    I'm so sick of these guys and their a**hole lawyers finding ways to appear as though they are apologizing without actually apologizing. It's very insulting.

  7. #87
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    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    A-Rod is starting to show evidence that he in fact did come straight from high school into the majors. "College" helps to develope brain exercized thought. He is lacking the training, and it's obvious.

    The continued stupidity is flowing from his uneducated skull. You would think by now, especially with his resources, that he would have come out with a better explanation than the spewage he delivered. Where's the hired lawyers to help him through it?.....to "think" for him, and verify what he was going to say was "O.K."? Did he not learn from the Bonds and Clemens of the world??? I mean, my GOD......REALLY? His "cousin"?

    Good grief, Charlie Rodriguez.

    If he felt so much pressure to perform because of the huge contract.....the pressure to be one of the "greatest ever", then maybe he should have failed naturally if he just couldn't handle it. He chose to take the BIG BUCKS route. He HAS no excuses.....and he's lying his way through it, and it's just going to get uglier.

    We HAVE reached the point in sports where the athletes TRULY are NOT worth the money they are being paid. If they get boo'ed off the field in disgrace, so be it! They'll just go home to their CASTLES and all will be hunky-dory in their own little "worlds".

    I never thought I'd say this, but A-Rod's done too. Another great ballplayer, sucked in by all the hype, contractural promise, and self-absorbed egotistical ways........now, never to see the Hall of Fame.

    If ANY of you think he only used from 2001-2003, check the 1998 stats and his jump in homers from 1997 on. It's OBVIOUS he starting using in 1998, most likely along with EVERYBODY ELSE in MLB who cared about what McGwire did at the end of 1997 with the Cardinals. Yes, they all wanted a piece of it. So.....they asked questions, got answers, and went down the sell-your-soul path.

    Now? Deal with it cheaters.

  8. #88
    Senior Member xpress34's Avatar
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    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    What a freakin' douche.

    While I'm no A$$ Rod fan, I did give him the benefit of the doubt after his news conference... I knew he wasn't laying everything out there, but it certainly apeared to be sincere - and more than anyone else had offered up...

    And now this? I hope MLB finds a link to his 2007 season and bans his sorry @$$... but they won't because he is still their 'Golden Boy' playing for THE team...

    Again, I say release the entire list of names, can Bud Selig and Donald Fehr, get a commissioner with some teeth like good ole Kenesaw Mountain Landis and get out game straightened out.

    Fehr, Selig and prima donnas like @$$ Rod have just given the game a black eye, they've suckered punched it to the point that it;s about to go down for the count.

    Stop all the lying - have some open transparency to the fans - and fix this before it destroys itself...

    - Chris

  9. #89

    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    Arod is making me sad to be a Yankee fan with all this crap.

    I saw him in 98 or 99 here in Richmond at a card show. He signed 2 All Star commemorative bats for me. I think the price was $25 per signature or so. He signed and then rolled both bats across the table to me which of course pissed me off. I simply thought he had an attitude problem. Now I see that he's just a nitwit like so many others.

    Funny thing is, one of the bats is also signed by his partner in crime, Rafael Palmeiro



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