Quote Originally Posted by suicide_squeeze View Post
You know, I just can't let this go, nick1980. You really pissed me off with your ignorant comments.

HOW in the world can you even bother to COMMENT on ANYTHING relating to baseball when you make a general statement like "the Babe Ruths". I'll be generous and give you the benefit of the doubt that you were generalizing, and relating that comment to "the greats of the game". But you picked the wrong name, and your point is NOT well taken.

There was only one Babe Ruth, and he DOMINATED the sport like no other ever had before. He hit more home runs in single seasons than MOST of the other teams. To state that "Babe Ruth might have been a nobody if he had some serious competition in his day" is borderline retarded. When ONE player can DOMINATE a sport like he did, against the same competition EVERYONE ELSE in the league was facing.....DON'T you think that SEPERATES him from the rest, to be recognized for what he was.....the GOD of the sport?

It's a joke having to read drivel placed on these threads by people who have no clue what they're talking about. Do yourself a favor and READ what people write, and share your comments with your dog unless you can expel something meaningful. YEAH, I know, you're intitled to post your opinion. I just think it's a rediculously poor one. Getting back to the whole point of the thread, if you people can't see that steroids have damaged the game tremendously, then you don't have your eye on the ball. And ANY argument trying to lesson the impact of steroids on the game is just plain stupid.

Some friendly advice. Take a step back and take a breather.

I can tell you from what I know of this site that posts like your last won't be tolerated very long here. Name calling, personal attacks and the such will result in your quick exit from these boards.

GUU is not like your average, run of the mill forum where hissy fits are thrown, name calling is tolerated and outlandishly heated debates are common place. Most here try, and succeed more often than not, to keep level heads and hold their tongues when nothing nice can be said.

There was absolutely no call for "drivel", "retarded", "stupid", "ignorant" to be directed at Nick1980 or anyone else.

As I said, just some friendly advice. Take it for what it's worth.
