OT - AROD admits steroid use

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  • schubert1970
    • Jun 2008
    • 815

    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

    [quote=suicide_squeeze;122704]Do you want to be a little more "specific" in your argument? Or, do you just want to argue to "argue"?

    I'm sure I speak for a lot of members here.......you aren't making a point of anykind, other than to just "disagree" with my comments.

    What's your gripe? What part about ARTIFICIAL PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT ruining the historic stats for the last possible 20-25 years do you disagree with? Do you care to elaborate?


    I agree with you, but this isn't the only time in baseball where the stats are inflated/deflated because of changes. Pitchers in the teens and 20's use to scuff the baseballs and cheat. Wake up and read a bit on the history of baseball or go rent Baseball by Ken Burns.....you might be surprised about the enormous amount of gambling and cheating. Stop acting like your stats are sacrosanct when they're not I'll repeat, the history of the game didn't begin when you were born. Stats are a refection of time and era stop comparing the two or you'll keep being disappointed.


    • joelsabi
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2005
      • 3073

      Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

      Its good for baseball that ARod admitted usage of steroids from 2001-2003. Its good for baseball that ARod took the blame himself and did not blame the union. Its good for baseball that there is a steroid policy now in place to level the playing fields.

      Baseball is resilient and will recover and I hope ARod recovers too.
      Joel S.
      joelsabi @ gmail.com
      Wanted: Alex Rodriguez Game Used Items and other unique artifacts, 1992 thru 1998 only. From High School to Early Mariners.


      • mwbosoxfan
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2006
        • 184

        Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

        Originally posted by joelsabi
        Its good for baseball that ARod admitted usage of steroids from 2001-2003. Its good for baseball that ARod took the blame himself and did not blame the union.
        I agree that it is good that A-Rod has admitted that he did do steroids instead of taking the Clemens route, but is anyone besides me think that after watching the Gammons interview that he is still not telling the truth. Has any player after being caught ever stepped up and said that they knew exactly what they were taking and what they were trying to achieve? He said that he honestly didn't know he actually tested positive until the SI gal told him about it when she tried to interview him last weekend. Huh? He said he hadn't even heard of the type of steroid that he had tested positive for? It is reported that the type of steroid is one of the most effective producing the greatest results. "I was naive." Please, are you kidding me? There seems to absolutely no accountability on any front - not from the players or Major League Baseball.


        • richpick
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2006
          • 166

          Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

          So what does everyone think will happen to the value of AROD stuff. I believe it will depreciate as he was going to break the homerun record as the first clean guy since the steroid area.

          He is really going to be dogged on the road this year and if he has an off year do you think the NY media will turn on him?



          • nick1980
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2008
            • 100

            Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

            I think Jose Canseco should get a free pass to the HOF if he hadn't opened this door then who knows how much longer this would have continued


            • nick1980
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2008
              • 100

              Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

              Originally posted by suicide_squeeze

              I don't even know how to respond to your comment, but I'll try.

              I am not saying anything like TAKE ALL OF THE NUMBERS out of the record books, or anything radical like that.

              I am simply saying we need to understand that the "numbers" established during this time frame (15, 20, possibly 25 years from here backwards) have the likelyhood of being "warped" because of rampant steroid use by the stars of the game.....and even the regular Joes. So in effect, the historical statistics that give us a benchmark to compare players in different times....have been chemically and artificially ALTERED by something unnatural and unrelated to the game itself (like watered down pitching because of expansion, changing the amount of games played in a season, etc.).

              If you can't understand that, then I certainly won't be able to ignite the light bulb above your head. It's a tainted time in the history of the sport. We need to accept that fact with all of these (continuing) revelations coming out about the players in this era, fix it, and move ON.

              My understanding of what he was trying to say is we don't * the Babe Ruths just because they faced $hitty pitchers do we? The game was totally different back then but there records still stand. I don't condone using steroids in anyway but it is what it is. Like said above before they allowed minorities to play we didn't * players, obviously baseball is much more competitive with minorities playing and who knows Babe Ruth might have been a nobody if he had some serious competition in his day???


              • suicide_squeeze
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 1442

                Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

                Originally posted by nick1980
                My understanding of what he was trying to say is we don't * the Babe Ruths just because they faced $hitty pitchers do we? The game was totally different back then but there records still stand. I don't condone using steroids in anyway but it is what it is. Like said above before they allowed minorities to play we didn't * players, obviously baseball is much more competitive with minorities playing and who knows Babe Ruth might have been a nobody if he had some serious competition in his day???
                nick1980 and shubert1970,

                As I am relatively new here, I want to thank you both for enlightening me to the fact that this is not the place to have a cerebral discussion about.....well, ANYTHING.

                I will be sure to remember that when I post in the future, and would expect to receive feedback on the level of both of yours.

                By the way, Babe Ruth faced the best pitching on a concentrated basis, because there were only a dozen or so teams in the sport back then. That means he wasn't facing watered-down pitching talent.....only the best.

                And in regards to other comments about spit-balls, pitchers scuffing the balls up, hell, even corked bats (my add-in), these are things that are all considered "incidentals" of the game, and have always been a part of it. They are inbred into the fabric of the game. Is it realistic to think they had an overwheming effect on the outcome of the record books like steroid use has?

                Whatever.....the silliness of arguing any points here is futile. Later.


                • brianborsch
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2005
                  • 1704

                  Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

                  Before we go around procaliming that players of the past were better than the players today, think about why that could be. Defensive players were not as good as they are today. Fields were in worse conditions. Pitchers pitched full games. Babe Ruth may not have faced off against the best pitchers of the game. Its too different to say. If Babe Ruth or Ty Cobb were alive and in their 20's today, i doubt they would hit like they did back then. The game is just different.


                  • suicide_squeeze
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 1442

                    Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

                    Originally posted by nick1980
                    My understanding of what he was trying to say is we don't * the Babe Ruths just because they faced $hitty pitchers do we? The game was totally different back then but there records still stand. I don't condone using steroids in anyway but it is what it is. Like said above before they allowed minorities to play we didn't * players, obviously baseball is much more competitive with minorities playing and who knows Babe Ruth might have been a nobody if he had some serious competition in his day???

                    You know, I just can't let this go, nick1980. You really pissed me off with your ignorant comments.

                    HOW in the world can you even bother to COMMENT on ANYTHING relating to baseball when you make a general statement like "the Babe Ruths". I'll be generous and give you the benefit of the doubt that you were generalizing, and relating that comment to "the greats of the game". But you picked the wrong name, and your point is NOT well taken.

                    There was only one Babe Ruth, and he DOMINATED the sport like no other ever had before. He hit more home runs in single seasons than MOST of the other teams. To state that "Babe Ruth might have been a nobody if he had some serious competition in his day" is borderline retarded. When ONE player can DOMINATE a sport like he did, against the same competition EVERYONE ELSE in the league was facing.....DON'T you think that SEPERATES him from the rest, to be recognized for what he was.....the GOD of the sport?

                    It's a joke having to read drivel placed on these threads by people who have no clue what they're talking about. Do yourself a favor and READ what people write, and share your comments with your dog unless you can expel something meaningful. YEAH, I know, you're intitled to post your opinion. I just think it's a rediculously poor one. Getting back to the whole point of the thread, if you people can't see that steroids have damaged the game tremendously, then you don't have your eye on the ball. And ANY argument trying to lesson the impact of steroids on the game is just plain stupid.


                    • Mr.3000

                      Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

                      Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
                      You know, I just can't let this go, nick1980. You really pissed me off with your ignorant comments.

                      HOW in the world can you even bother to COMMENT on ANYTHING relating to baseball when you make a general statement like "the Babe Ruths". I'll be generous and give you the benefit of the doubt that you were generalizing, and relating that comment to "the greats of the game". But you picked the wrong name, and your point is NOT well taken.

                      There was only one Babe Ruth, and he DOMINATED the sport like no other ever had before. He hit more home runs in single seasons than MOST of the other teams. To state that "Babe Ruth might have been a nobody if he had some serious competition in his day" is borderline retarded. When ONE player can DOMINATE a sport like he did, against the same competition EVERYONE ELSE in the league was facing.....DON'T you think that SEPERATES him from the rest, to be recognized for what he was.....the GOD of the sport?

                      It's a joke having to read drivel placed on these threads by people who have no clue what they're talking about. Do yourself a favor and READ what people write, and share your comments with your dog unless you can expel something meaningful. YEAH, I know, you're intitled to post your opinion. I just think it's a rediculously poor one. Getting back to the whole point of the thread, if you people can't see that steroids have damaged the game tremendously, then you don't have your eye on the ball. And ANY argument trying to lesson the impact of steroids on the game is just plain stupid.

                      Some friendly advice. Take a step back and take a breather.

                      I can tell you from what I know of this site that posts like your last won't be tolerated very long here. Name calling, personal attacks and the such will result in your quick exit from these boards.

                      GUU is not like your average, run of the mill forum where hissy fits are thrown, name calling is tolerated and outlandishly heated debates are common place. Most here try, and succeed more often than not, to keep level heads and hold their tongues when nothing nice can be said.

                      There was absolutely no call for "drivel", "retarded", "stupid", "ignorant" to be directed at Nick1980 or anyone else.

                      As I said, just some friendly advice. Take it for what it's worth.



                      • ndevlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 1362

                        Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

                        Originally posted by Mr.3000
                        GUU is not like your average, run of the mill forum where hissy fits are thrown, name calling is tolerated and outlandishly heated debates are common place.
                        I will have to sincerely disagree with you Jay:-)


                        • ndevlin
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 1362

                          Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

                          Originally posted by Mr.3000
                          I can tell you from what I know of this site that posts like your last won't be tolerated very long here. Name calling, personal attacks and the such will result in your quick exit from these boards.

                          Whoops, forgot about this one too. I very nicely disagree:-)


                          • suicide_squeeze
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 1442

                            Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use


                            I knew my post would illicit this type of response.

                            I wholeheartedly thank you for the words of advice. I understand clearly what you are telling me, and I do appreciate the friendly gesture.

                            I have to say that this being a GAME USED forum, I would expect that the collectors and users of this site would be a bit on the more experienced side of the mean. And for those who aren't, more the reason to be here as there is a BUNCH of insight to be obtained here by extremely knowedgeable people who are truly enlightening.

                            That said, I feel that it is to the best interest that knowledge be spread on issues that concern us all. Opinions, on the other hand, are just that, and everyone is entitled to theirs.

                            When you give one, I think it's naive to think you aren't going to receive the opposite kind in response to it. I did. And I have answered it the way I deemed fit.

                            I stand by every single word.

                            I was not attempting to be mean, rude or anything similar. I felt I was IN FACT treated that way by the response I got. Then, after trying to clear it up a bit, I had another Einstein agree with the first borderline-offensive comments back at me.

                            We're all adults here, folks. If you've got something to say, BRING IT!! If you're going to comment on something so blatantly obvious that WRONG in the world today, and is a symbol of a much LARGER problem intertwined in society today, man up and put the skirt away, for christ's sake. Expect a good debate......but if you come at me asking me if I live in Disneyland.......you had better be packing your boxing gloves, pal. AND.....if you're going to back up a chump comment like that, step up into the ring too.

                            I'm a debater, not a name caller. I felt my comments, albeit a bit harsh, were called for.

                            That said, I'll try to be more accomodating to your advice, Mr.3000, and allow the 20 and 30-somethings here to expel their ignorance any way they wish.


                            • ldonley
                              Junior Member
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 15

                              Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

                              Thank you, A-Rod!


                              M. Phelps


                              • ndevlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Mar 2008
                                • 1362

                                Re: OT - AROD admits steroid use

                                Originally posted by suicide_squeeze

                                I knew my post would illicit this type of response.

                                I wholeheartedly thank you for the words of advice. I understand clearly what you are telling me, and I do appreciate the friendly gesture.

                                I have to say that this being a GAME USED forum, I would expect that the collectors and users of this site would be a bit on the more experienced side of the mean. And for those who aren't, more the reason to be here as there is a BUNCH of insight to be obtained here by extremely knowedgeable people who are truly enlightening.

                                That said, I feel that it is to the best interest that knowledge be spread on issues that concern us all. Opinions, on the other hand, are just that, and everyone is entitled to theirs.

                                When you give one, I think it's naive to think you aren't going to receive the opposite kind in response to it. I did. And I have answered it the way I deemed fit.

                                I stand by every single word.

                                I was not attempting to be mean, rude or anything similar. I felt I was IN FACT treated that way by the response I got. Then, after trying to clear it up a bit, I had another Einstein agree with the first borderline-offensive comments back at me.

                                We're all adults here, folks. If you've got something to say, BRING IT!! If you're going to comment on something so blatantly obvious that WRONG in the world today, and is a symbol of a much LARGER problem intertwined in society today, man up and put the skirt away, for christ's sake. Expect a good debate......but if you come at me asking me if I live in Disneyland.......you had better be packing your boxing gloves, pal. AND.....if you're going to back up a chump comment like that, step up into the ring too.

                                I'm a debater, not a name caller. I felt my comments, albeit a bit harsh, were called for.

                                That said, I'll try to be more accomodating to your advice, Mr.3000, and allow the 20 and 30-somethings here to expel their ignorance any way they wish.
                                How old are you?

