Quote Originally Posted by Nathan View Post

That's absolutely ridiculous. If you want a comparison, it would be like the prosecution in the Simpson case standing up and saying "When OJ was notified of Nicole's death, he reacted in a manner that we believe to be unlike most people in that position. Therefore it is obvious that he is guilty of murdering her."


I don't want a comparison of anything.

I just know that, if I'm EVER involved in any criminal proceeding, I pray to GOD I have at least ONE of your type on the jury to insure my wrongful release.


By the same token, I hope that if I'm ever wrongfully accused of anything that I never find you on the jury making sure I'm found guilty even if the entire case is built on the flimsiest of circumstantial evidence.

"Hmmmm, size 12 shoeprints were found near the crime scene, and the guy in cuffs wears size 12 shoes. Based on that alone, he's guilty."