Hey all and thanks-

How many 1986-89 cone knob R211's did Pete Rose order for game use? I have an 35-inch from 1986.

Searches here give a good history of Rose R211s up thru 1985, but nothing about his 1986-89 orders. I've read that Rose's last career hit in '86 was with a Louisville Slugger.

I've had mine for maybe ten years. The previous owner did business with Rose and got the bat directly from Pete in 1986. The bat *had* consistent Riverfront bat rack marks and has a nice 14 on the knob.

*When I got the bat, it was signed and had plastic taped over the autograph to protect it. I asked the seller if he would clean off some tape residue while I was grabbing my wallet and then I'd take it. He cleaned up the tape, and then proceeded to wipe off all the batrack marks too!!! He didn't think the marks were significant, and he thought he was doing me a favor by shining the bat up. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I asked for it... and I got it!