I just want to know if I am the only one.

I collect specific players. In Baseball, I want a Kelly Gruber and every Shawn Camp jersey. In hockey I look for Sami Salo and Pavel Bure. Football starts and ends with OJ McDuffie. Barring an amazing deal on Canucks/Dolphins/Braves/Jays jerseys that I can't pass on, these are all I am looking for.

However, these players jerseys come up more rarely than most. It took me 6+ years to find my Salo Grail and I am getting frustrated with the rest.

Collectors, how do you deal with the boredom on no new items? When this board and other fail to list your favorite items and eBay is vacant, how do you deal with the frustration?

I don't find joy in anything but my guys, how do I settle for waiting?