Quote Originally Posted by suicide_squeeze View Post
I am sorry, I think your comment is weak.

What kind of "garbage" did he spread to the Dodgers the three months he was there last year?

They got to within three wins of the WORLD SERIES.

And YES.....with the help of one timely grand slam by James Loney against the Cubs......it was Manny's leadership, FAR AND AWAY, that got them there.

Manny gave them a huge lift.....he made the young team believers. He showed them what it was like to back it up, he gave them the gift of feeling what it was like to be a winner.

And for you people that say "He turned it on just because it was a contract he was playing for"......I laugh in your faces.

This is PRO BALL people.....you can't just "turn it on" when you want to. You have to be GREAT to do what Manny did, and has done his whole career.

I say sign him, Dodgers.....make him happy. He has proven his worth, he has won in his career, you need him, you need his blazing bat, and he will more than pay for himself. Stop f'ing around with it and get the deal DONE. He is going to go down in the history books as one of the greatest right hand power hitters in the history of the game........enjoy the ride.

...and I never liked the guy til I saw how much he studies the game.