King Lon spent maybe 20 minutes responding and a total of four emails.

You want me to send you the exact email where Lon state's that MEARS knows of the borderless tag issue and has chose to ignore it?

Where he states that borderless and wrong size are tell tale signs to him of a custom? Now Lon changes his stance and say's customs had blue tags as well?

Where he sates that 1974 was a transation year and that 1975 blue borders were in full production? What does full production mean to you?

Come on King you want to defend Lon fine but don't twist his point, don't say that full production does not mean that blue border shirts accoarding to Mr. Lewis are the way shirts should be 1975 to pre 80ties.

McAuliffe went out of business but since it was a product of Stall & Dean as Mr. Lewis has pointed out and Stall & Dean is still around why not start there for proof of these custom orders?

King good luck in your collecting, keep defending Mr. Lewis thats great that he has your support.

He has put a theory out there with numerous flaws and still I am the bad guy. All I have done is point out the contradictions he has made in his statements.

Now you Rudy want to get in to symantics of what full production means? Also if a player had 3 home and road shirts that means on average every 27 games they got a new jersey.

So if these customs were being bought to be worn to games and in softball leagues, and by high schools don't you think a jersey made out of the same material with the same tagging that was not a major league gamer would be destroyed after 32 years? That the guy, girl, kid wearing it would have sent it thru the wash more times than a major league gamer would have been washed?

That unlike a game jersey that was worn by a player that played a full season some where between 27 times if they had 3 shirts home and raod and swithched them out after an equal number of game or 81 if they wore the same shirt the whole season.

Don't you think that those jerseys would be pounded tags and letters falling off, ripped torn etc? But these so called custom, retail, aftermarket jerseys seem to be in perfect condition.

What about a shirt that has no alteration of any kind that has pounded,fadded lettering for team name and numbers but perfect crisp tagging? What determanation do you make on a jersey like that?

Look Lon could be the greatest guy in the world but I will not sit around and let him state one thing in one post and an email and another elsewhere.

All I have asked for from the start is proof of retail orders which I have said take as long as you would like to gather, but don't talk about a 1971 tagged Indians jersey in the Henderson guide and state it is a 1987 shirt as your proof. Right now all I would like for Mr. Lewis to do is clarify his position on the tagging issue, which I have outlined in a previous post.

It is an easy request.