hey guys I recently purchased a nice game worn jersey from a dealer, at first he was offering it for a price I considered too high and we had back and forth negotations until he lowered it significantly and told me I was getting the better end of the deal.

shortly after the purchase, he offered another game used item a bat of a player I admire, had I known he had this one as well beforehand, I would have purchased this instead. So I decided to try to get some funds to purchase this bat by selling the jersey and it sold for close to what the seller had initially wanted, basically I made a profit of a couple hundred dollars.

so now I contact the dealer and tell him I'm interested in the bat and he tells me he doesn't want to deal with me again because I took the good deal he gave me for the jersey and flipped it on Ebay and made a profit. apparently he was aware of the auction.

so now I have nothing, sold the jersey and he won't sell me the bat. have any of you experienced this before, in terms of reputation with other sellers or dealers where? did I break some unspoken code of ethics amongst collectors not to flip something if you got a real good deal on it? thanks!