I would like to take the time to let the Game-Used community, Eric, Richard Russek, Dan Feldman and the entire Greyflannel staff that i am truly sorry for the comments i posted on this site about them.

Greyflannel is a legit, buisness like company who contributes greatly to the overall growth and integrity of the Game-Used hobby. If i were ever to buy a jersey, ball or any other piece of memorbilia i would turn to GF first. The people there know what theyre talking about and keep the customer first in line. If it werent for GF i wouldnt have been able to hold and touch all of the fine artifacts they deal with that the regular guy doesnt ever get to see. Ill tell you first and foremost Dan is probably the best Auction director in the nation, if not the world and i would like to apologize to him directly here. Its not fair for a guy like him to put so much time and effort into something only for it to be tarnished by some disgruntled former employee.

My comments out of line, hateful and were a direct result of "Me not getting my way" and quitting. The details of why this occured need not to be mentioned. Again, im sorry to this community sorry for ever bringing this mudslinging crap to this forum.

I wish GF the best of luck and i hope the May 11th auction is a huge success.