Hi everyone,

Thought I'd give Padres fans some love on here since the team isn't mentioned much on this site!

The Padres Fan Day was a fun event this past Sunday. They hosted their annual 'garage sale' in which they sell off game used items from the previous season. I was one of the first ones in the room for the garage sale, but I must admit that I was a little disappointed that they did not have any of the current players' jerseys available (besides some of the lesser-known player's ST and BP jerseys). Someone told me a few weeks ago that they had some 'inside scoop' that there would be a couple Maddux and Peavy jerseys available, but no cigar.

Anyway, I did walk away with game used jerseys of Khalil Green (sand jersey), Randy Wolf (camouflage jersey), Tadahito Iguchi (blue Coolbase jersey), and Morgan Ensberg (blue Coolbase jersey). Some lady just beat me to the only blue Khalil jersey I saw, but luckily there was one last sand-colored jersey available. The Wolf camo jersey is pretty neat, and it was the only camo jersey I saw in the whole pile there. The Iguchi jersey might only be game issued, though, since it has #15 and he mainly wore #10 during his time with the Padres. I haven't been able to find any photos of him wearing the #15 in a game, although the number would have been available after May when Edmonds got cut. If anyone has anymore info on this, I would appreciate it tremendously! I have also always been an Ensberg fan from his days in Houston, and the jersey I got actually shows some really good use.

The game used bat selection also wasn't very good. A friend of mine got a couple of Iguchi bats, and also was lucky to find an Adrian Gonzalez green batting helmet that had been cracked. But, other than that there really wasn't much else to note.

I was also able to get Peavy at the 1:30 signing on a 2007 All Star ball for a friend in Houston. Overall, it was a great day, and I'm very happy with what I was able to walk away with. If anyone else on here was able to attend, let us know what you walked away with!