All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

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  • suicide_squeeze
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 1442

    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

    Originally posted by metsbats
    I agree. Following the rules by contacting the auction house and following the forum rules will certainly help avoid issues. It adds alot of legitimacy to the questions and opens the dialogue to resolution verses confrontation. Additionally we get all emotional when we see things we believe are not correct and may add a little colour into our posts. That does not help either.

    The same applies on the other side: GFA's response via the letter is appropriate (if the rule was not followed) however stalking someone at their home is not.


    That the point. If you want to bring light to something you question, for whatever reason, do it by the rules.

    Okay, I got it.

    Am I going to clam up like a little girl and go away? No. But I will use quite a bit of discretion before I place a insults, no joking around in personal terms, etc. "Just the facts, maam".

    It's funny, but the deeper you dig into this business, you find out the spider web spreads out a lot further than you would have ever thought. Everyone knows everyone. They hate eachother, and they scratch eachothers backs. It's all about getting what they want out of the moment.

    Christ, what an unhealthy environment.

    But it all ends up in the same place: The responsibility of letting your $$$'s out of your posession to buy an item begins and ends with YOU. It's nice to have a place to help us all become our own "authenticator's". Just be safe about it.

    Nice picture and post metsbats.....brought a big smile to my face, this morning. We're all still alive, and my house isn't rubble and ash. But the funny thing is it may not be so far off from the truth.

    What is said here matters. Be responsible and safe people.


    • suicide_squeeze
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 1442

      Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

      Originally posted by spartakid
      Mr. 3000, I was thinking of Texas, but apparantly in Virginia you can also shoot an intruder. I wish California would have that law as well
      They do....If you state that "you feared for your life" and have reasonable evidence to support that.

      To anyone possibly thinking of paying me an unannounced visit at my home...... on notice that I'm pretty fearful these days.


      • Eric
        Senior Member
        • Jan 1970
        • 2848

        Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

        Originally posted by cohibasmoker
        Eric - that is why issues about item (s) should be brought up AFTER the fact. Why?

        1) No-one could say that comments on this site affected their auction;
        2) FBI agents ARE NOT collectors so if issues are pointed out, they can understand what the issue (s) are;
        3) Agents could care less about a single item but rather follow a "pattern" of behavior;
        4) After a pattern is established and a money threshold is reached, then it MAY warrant an investigation (RICO).
        5) I keep hearing about Letters of Opinion. How about the term Fiduciary relationship?

        Issues should be brought up when they come up. They should definitely not wait until after the fact. I am tired of seeing people get burned on items that have been pointed out to the auction houses as being questionable.

        American Memorabilia banned me from their auctions because I was pointing out too many bad items certified by their mysterious 100% Authentic Team. It's a joke.

        And if an auction house is dumb enough to ignore the proof that an item is bad AND is dumber enough to try to intimidate someone into not questioning their items, it at least makes me feel better that people in law enforcement are already reading these posts.

        Jim, I think you and I agree on these things. Perhaps I didn't word my previous post properly.
        Always looking for game used San Diego Chargers items...


        • camarokids
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2006
          • 3869

          Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

          You should STILL continue to identify items that are not legit.

          If what you are posting is the truth, you have nothing to fear.

          No one can sue you for posting the truth.

          As far as the intimidation factor, don't sweat it. I doubt anyone will try anything stupid that will land them in jail.

          If someone is trying to scare you, don't let them.

          Mind control!
          Thank you,

          This is my email address here!
          dzscope at gmail dot com

          Email is best for personal messages...


          • trsent
            • Nov 2005
            • 3739

            Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

            Originally posted by suave1477
            Nuff said!! lol lol
            I don't get it - If there is a joke here, please elaborate.


            • suicide_squeeze
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 1442

              Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

              Originally posted by suave1477
              Nuff said!! lol lol
              You know what really pisses me off?

              I come on this site, and I read and see some really enlightening stuff. Great for all to read as it helps us all and teaches us a lot about our hobby.

              And then there's the posts that make you laugh. Always a pleasure, because who doesn't need a laugh.

              But sometimes, you get to the ignorant stuff that makes you shake your head. Like sylbry and suave1477's cute little comments here.

              I come here to try to help educate you f'ing people, and you have the balls to come up with your little chickens#!t stabs at calling me a drama queen.

              suave1477.....I've read a lot of what you posted, so keep laughing, dude. My only suggestion to you is to review your collection. Your "confidence" in the places you buy your stuff from shows your level of intellect. I hope you aren't collecting with the goal of reselling for your retirement, because by that time you just may find you're stuck with a lot of garbage. Good luck to you in your collecting endeavors, and as far as I'm concerned, don't bother reading anything I have to post. It doesn't do guys like you any good anyways.

              You pissants who sit behind your computers and throw out darts at people who are seriously interested in cleaning up this hobby are a dissappointment to the rest.

              Call me what you want, I could care less. But when the day comes someone's knocking on your door of your residence when you're at work, you may just feel a little different.

              But I guess you hero's don't have to worry about that. Hell, what threat are you to ANYONE?

              "lol lol"


              • trsent
                • Nov 2005
                • 3739

                Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

                Originally posted by camarokids
                You should STILL continue to identify items that are not legit.

                If what you are posting is the truth, you have nothing to fear.

                No one can sue you for posting the truth.

                As far as the intimidation factor, don't sweat it. I doubt anyone will try anything stupid that will land them in jail.

                If someone is trying to scare you, don't let them.

                Mind control!
                Sure all questionable items should be posted after the seller replies to your questions or a 24 hour period of time has elapsed since you questioned the seller about your concerns. This gives the seller a chance to reply before being questioned when they may or may not be in the wrong.

                Too many people post: "FAKE" before asking the seller about their item because they can't match the item up with a picture from Getty Images (or whatever image site) and they may miss something the seller could use to help them before scaring away people. Many times the questioner is correct, but why have rules if some people follow them and other's don't?

                Eric is right - We should not ignore the items or be intimidated by any items that appear questionable for whatever reason.

                What many wish to ignore is a policy of Game Used Universe that has been ignored and abused time and time again.


                • trsent
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 3739

                  Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

                  Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
                  You know what really pisses me off?

                  I come on this site, and I read and see some really enlightening stuff. Great for all to read as it helps us all and teaches us a lot about our hobby.

                  And then there's the posts that make you laugh. Always a pleasure, because who doesn't need a laugh.

                  But sometimes, you get to the ignorant stuff that makes you shake your head. Like sylbry and suave1477's cute little comments here.

                  I come here to try to help educate you f'ing people, and you have the balls to come up with your little chickens#!t stabs at calling me a drama queen.

                  suave1477.....I've read a lot of what you posted, so keep laughing, dude. My only suggestion to you is to review your collection. Your "confidence" in the places you buy your stuff from shows your level of intellect. I hope you aren't collecting with the goal of reselling for your retirement, because by that time you just may find you're stuck with a lot of garbage. Good luck to you in your collecting endeavors, and as far as I'm concerned, don't bother reading anything I have to post. It doesn't do guys like you any good anyways.

                  You pissants who sit behind your computers and throw out darts at people who are seriously interested in cleaning up this hobby are a dissappointment to the rest.

                  Call me what you want, I could care less. But when the day comes someone's knocking on your door of your residence when you're at work, you may just feel a little different.

                  But I guess you hero's don't have to worry about that. Hell, what threat are you to ANYONE?

                  "lol lol"
                  What is really sad is that the knock on your door came right around the time of the letter you received, and your concerns are genuine as I know if my wife had a visitor while I was out of my home I too would be concerned - Even if we were mistaken and it was a concerned neighbor.

                  I wish for your family all the best.


                  • suicide_squeeze
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 1442

                    Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

                    First off, thanks for the kind words Joel. I can speak for my wife that they are very much appreciated from us both.

                    So I just called Grey Flannel, spoke to a gentlemen by the name of "T.J.".

                    I asked to please speak to Richard Russek. He asked what this was regarding, and I explained that it was a matter that I really wanted to clear up with him.

                    I was told Richard was out in California at the moment.

                    That would be the state I live in. I hope he is here for a business matter and nothing related to my special "visitor" yesterday.

                    Another coincidence? I hope so.....but hey, you know ME.....I'm a f'ing "drama queen"......

                    I asked T.J. to please try to contact Mr. Russek and have him call me so I can clear up this whole matter with him. I am waiting for him to call.


                    • suicide_squeeze
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 1442

                      Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

                      Thanks to whomever removed that silly post.


                      • Lokee
                        • May 2008
                        • 1035

                        Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

                        I see NOTHING funny about this post.

                        Shit like this is serious.

                        Please keep us updated on the situation if possible and to let us know your ok.


                        • kingjammy24
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 3119

                          Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

                          Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
                          I was told Richard was out in California at the moment.
                          steve for the love of all things great and small what are you still doing home? get in your car and drive!! drive and don't stop until you reach china! don't you realize what's going on? they've sent richie himself to do the job!



                          • sylbry
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2005
                            • 936

                            Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

                            Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
                            You know what really pisses me off?

                            I come on this site, and I read and see some really enlightening stuff. Great for all to read as it helps us all and teaches us a lot about our hobby.

                            And then there's the posts that make you laugh. Always a pleasure, because who doesn't need a laugh.

                            But sometimes, you get to the ignorant stuff that makes you shake your head. Like sylbry and suave1477's cute little comments here.

                            I come here to try to help educate you f'ing people, and you have the balls to come up with your little chickens#!t stabs at calling me a drama queen.

                            suave1477.....I've read a lot of what you posted, so keep laughing, dude. My only suggestion to you is to review your collection. Your "confidence" in the places you buy your stuff from shows your level of intellect. I hope you aren't collecting with the goal of reselling for your retirement, because by that time you just may find you're stuck with a lot of garbage. Good luck to you in your collecting endeavors, and as far as I'm concerned, don't bother reading anything I have to post. It doesn't do guys like you any good anyways.

                            You pissants who sit behind your computers and throw out darts at people who are seriously interested in cleaning up this hobby are a dissappointment to the rest.

                            Call me what you want, I could care less. But when the day comes someone's knocking on your door of your residence when you're at work, you may just feel a little different.

                            But I guess you hero's don't have to worry about that. Hell, what threat are you to ANYONE?

                            "lol lol"
                            "You pissants who sit behind your computers and throw darts at people..." Pot calling the kettle black here with this statement. No one throws more darts from the comfort of their own home like you. A couple fine threads for example.

                            And you wonder why people are angry at you. You ticked some people off and now you have to deal with it. Tough. Do I condone their actions. Nope. Do I condone the garbage that some put up in their auctions. Nope. But be a man and step up when confront them instead of running to your computer. You brought this upon your self.

                            "I come hear to help educate you f'ing people..." Gee thanks. I don't want, need, or care for your f'ing education.

                            "... and you have the balls to come up with your little chicken sh*t stabs at calling me a drama queen." It doesn't take balls to make message board comments as you have recently shown so well. I am still laughing at this comment. "I am home, and everything is O.K. But I am shaken, and have a lot of questions." All because you got a letter, a call, and a stranger came to your doorstep.

                            (CONTENT REMOVED)
                            Wanted: Minnesota Twins throwback or special event jerseys.


                            • sportscentury
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2005
                              • 2008

                              Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

                              Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
                              You know what really pisses me off?

                              I come on this site, and I read and see some really enlightening stuff. Great for all to read as it helps us all and teaches us a lot about our hobby.

                              And then there's the posts that make you laugh. Always a pleasure, because who doesn't need a laugh.

                              But sometimes, you get to the ignorant stuff that makes you shake your head. Like sylbry and suave1477's cute little comments here.

                              I come here to try to help educate you f'ing people, and you have the balls to come up with your little chickens#!t stabs at calling me a drama queen.

                              suave1477.....I've read a lot of what you posted, so keep laughing, dude. My only suggestion to you is to review your collection. Your "confidence" in the places you buy your stuff from shows your level of intellect. I hope you aren't collecting with the goal of reselling for your retirement, because by that time you just may find you're stuck with a lot of garbage. Good luck to you in your collecting endeavors, and as far as I'm concerned, don't bother reading anything I have to post. It doesn't do guys like you any good anyways.

                              You pissants who sit behind your computers and throw out darts at people who are seriously interested in cleaning up this hobby are a dissappointment to the rest.

                              Call me what you want, I could care less. But when the day comes someone's knocking on your door of your residence when you're at work, you may just feel a little different.

                              But I guess you hero's don't have to worry about that. Hell, what threat are you to ANYONE?

                              "lol lol"

                              I wish you the best, Steve.
                              Always looking for top NBA game worn items of superstar and Hall-of-Fame-caliber players (especially Kobe, LeBron, MJ, Curry and Durant). Also looking for game worn items of all players from special events (e.g., All Star Game, NBA Finals, milestone games, etc.). Please contact me at Thank you.


                              • sylbry
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2005
                                • 936

                                Re: All members, listen up...(MUST read)...

                                Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
                                You pissants who sit behind your computers and throw out darts at people who are seriously interested in cleaning up this hobby are a dissappointment to the rest.
                                Guess I should have called you Elliot Ness instead.

                                I am sorry but this is so comical. You have bashed basically every auction house. It is hasn't been something simple like "this is bad because", rather it is a full on "this stupid auction house can't get anything right. Look at this P.O.S." So they MAIL you a LETTER, make a PHONE CALL, and some guy shows up on your door who you MISTAKE for someone from an auction house. And you call that a threat. I call that an overactive imagination.
                                Wanted: Minnesota Twins throwback or special event jerseys.

