Quote Originally Posted by mvandor View Post
Clearly you have yet to master the english language as well as rudimentary people skills.

Do you care to give us YOUR opinion on the T.O. jersey? What do the letters next to the size tag on game jerseys mean to you? Regarding your Grey Flannel comments, have you read any of the recent threads here re: Grey Flannel?

Then you can educate me on what the amount I pay for items from NFL Auctions has to do with this jersey or where you get off accusing me of converrting my acquisitions into fraudulent game used items?
If jersey is what you want to talk about, why drag the english stuff with it.
Your english can use some correction too.

Their are 5 different letter that can go after the year and size tagging,
  • "Q"=Quarterback, usually meaning open Sleeve for QB
  • "S"=Specialty, most receivers, corners and safeties in the NFL prefer this cut, short sleeves
  • "L"=Linebacker, and not linemen. Different team have different cut for linebackers. Very short to NO sleeve at all depending on the team.
  • "O"=Offensive linemen. Both Offensive and Defensive Linemen have no Sleeve on their jersey, if the linemen lift their arms up you could see their armpit
  • "D"=Defensive Linemen. between the two is spacing.

That T.O. jersey has a "L" with the Tagging and Sleeves tailor like a Eagles Linebackers.
Look on Gettys and you'll see T.O. wears nothing but "S" cut with the Eagles, then look up someone like Jeremiah Trotter with his Sleeves.

That jersey was originally a linebacker jersey, had the name and Numbers strip off, and owens name and number put on.

Next time do your research, study and know your facts before posting something that you have very little knowledge of.

You can question me about Basketball jersey and stuff, or even Baseball Stuff.
Thats fine with me, cuz i don't know Jack about basketball and baseball stuff, and you won't catch me posting anything about basketball or baseball.

NFL Jersey is what i'm good at.

And for Dr.Loomis he Probably has a friend that work for Ripon and knows the secret stuff, who knows.