Tired of it

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  • yanks12025
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2006
    • 3118

    Re: Tired of it

    Your right life will go on and it's also not sellers remorse. What other people said is right, that i lowered the price because i thought they wanted the item and it turned out they did not want it.


    • yanks12025
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2006
      • 3118

      Re: Tired of it

      No, i just forgot to put that in the listing. And i disagreed with the amount of use it said because it showed two seam marks and acouple cleat marks.


      • 3arod13
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2006
        • 3092

        Re: Tired of it

        In this scenario, it wouldn't bother me. But say if it was someone in this forum that contacted me and wanted the item to keep in their collection, then I find they turn around and list it on ebay within a couple of weeks, then yes, I may feel somewhat taken.

        We all do each other favors when we know someone. I'm willing to let it go cheaper to help a fellow collector out that I know. But then again, think about it. How many people are going to contact someone and say, "I want to get it cheap from you so I can turn around a list it on ebay to make a profit."

        Regards, Tony
        Regards, Tony


        ~I'm sorry, I can't hear you....my World Series Ring is making too much NOISE! - Alex Rodriguez~


        • Yankwood
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 870

          Re: Tired of it

          Originally posted by Sheffield11
          Would this happen to be about a posada bat?
          Sounds like you're familiar with the scenario...


          • skyking26
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2005
            • 2457

            Re: Tired of it

            Want to get opinions here. Somewhat similar vein anyway.

            Got a buddy lives 5 1/2 hours away. I'm on comp with an injury, he's on unemployment. We have been buddies since late 80's. Long time...

            He could not afford a ML jersey I had when offered in January. I buy it 3 months later. He has the pants for it. He wants it badly. Wife and I would both like him to have it. He says if we can make a deal he'd come over here and hang a couple of days. Realize I do NOT have to sell this jersey. I was offered a $500 walk away profit from another collector because of a problem we've had... So I agree to same price I paid, and I take 3 items he has to lessen the blow that I want. No profit at all, I walked on $500 remember...

            After we talk about it, he says his wife does not want him coming over as she isn't a big fan of mine (I've got him involved in 2 many deals - like I have a gun to his head)(she actually goes thru and opens his emails). Recall I could care less if I do this. What would be your stance on the situation. I thought this to be more a deal struck out of friendship than a business deal thru the mail. I'm not very happy...

            LMK what your thoughts are...30 year collector here. Doormat I'm not. Just trying to help out a friend, but perhaps I'm not worthy.
            ROBERT KOPPEL
            Skyking26 - 35 year collector of Dave Kingman memorabilia. Also seek 500 HR and 3000 Hit GU Bats,
            and 1968, 1984, HOF Tigers GU Bats...Skyking442@hotmail.com


            • maccamania
              Senior Member
              • Jul 2008
              • 309

              Re: Tired of it

              you are a good man for trying to help out a friend as I would of done the same. I would not sell it to him now, because of him letting his wife get involved and sticking her nose where it does not belong !!


              • maccamania
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2008
                • 309

                Re: Tired of it

                I am with you on this, when I cut someone a break on something I am happy because the item is going to a good home, but when they turn around and just sell it, thats just wrong.


                • TFig27
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 1214

                  Re: Tired of it

                  I guess I'll respond since I am the one being called out.

                  Here is a quote from your post selling the bats:
                  "Trying to sell these two items to fund another purchase."

                  I emailed you and asked
                  "What would be the best price you could do on them now?"

                  After I paid for them you posted:
                  "Lot is Sold, Thanks to the buyer"

                  It sounds like you were happy then when you sold them as you got the money you needed. At no time did I give you any impression of what I planned to do with these, so please do not even mention deceit. You picked the price you were gonig to sell them for, not me. I agreed to it.

                  I feel you are upset because you had remorse as a seller because you sent me this email:
                  "How much do you want for my ex. Posada bat that i sold you. I'm thinking that i may be interested in buying it back. Thanks"

                  A question for you, would you have had any problem if I sold them for a loss?
                  TFig27 - NY Yankees Collector
                  A. Boone - R. Cano - N. Swisher - T. Martinez - P. O'Neill - E. Hinske
                  J. Damon - R. Brogna - D. Bragg - W. Upshaw - K. Farnsworth


                  • yanks12025
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 3118

                    Re: Tired of it

                    Okay your right. But when you made your first offer that was not so you could get a lower price and make more profit. The only reason i brought this up was because you have done it times before with other people.


                    • 10thMan
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 429

                      Re: Tired of it

                      I listed a WS Mcgwire Issued Bat on Ebay, in less than an hour a Forum member (I know EXACTLY who he is) e-mailed me asked if I`d accept 300.00, this is less than 1/2 of my asking price.

                      Same thing happened a few weeks ago, EXTREME LOWBALL FORUM MEMBER OFFER. Hate to say it, but it`s true.

                      Maybe we could make a "Reality" TV Series from it???

                      I sold a Bat to a Forum member a few years ago for about 175, he spun around & dumped it for about 400.00$

                      Moral of the Story, LESSON LEARNED. I set a Price & STICK TO IT. Whatever happens after that, I give it ZERO energy...



                      • Jags Fan Dan
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 1638

                        Re: Tired of it

                        You kind of have to know if you sell something on the forum here, you are not reaching the biggest audience ever and therefore are not likely to command top dollar. Where as on eBay or any auction format, all you need is two serious buyers to drive the price to top dollar, or perhaps even past the point of sanity.


                        • skyking26
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 2457

                          Re: Tired of it

                          I've never sold anything here but a few nickel/dime items.
                          ROBERT KOPPEL
                          Skyking26 - 35 year collector of Dave Kingman memorabilia. Also seek 500 HR and 3000 Hit GU Bats,
                          and 1968, 1984, HOF Tigers GU Bats...Skyking442@hotmail.com


                          • joelsabi
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2005
                            • 3073

                            Re: Tired of it

                            i dont think i would have much of a collection if i didnt get items from collectors with similar interests. most of the time the collector is happy that their item is going to another collector and not a dealer. i guess it comes to the collectors realization that an item that they had in their collection and that they had some attachment to for some significant time is going to "a good home" so that its easier to rationalize selling the item. when that implicit collector to collector agreement is reached, i think it would be a great let down if i saw the item hawked soon after its disposal. hawking the item shows that lack of appreciation of the item from a collector's point of view. i definitely would have seconds thought of selling to the person again or remove the collector discount.

                            i guess it also up to the seller also to know more the extent of the collector's collection to ascertain whether there is a chance, as there always is, that this item would be resold in the future.
                            Joel S.
                            joelsabi @ gmail.com
                            Wanted: Alex Rodriguez Game Used Items and other unique artifacts, 1992 thru 1998 only. From High School to Early Mariners.


                            • cordovacollector
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 646

                              Re: Tired of it

                              As for me, I see this forum more of a collectors' site. If I ask someone here to give me a better deal, it is in that light of a collector not a dealer. In the short time I have been here, some forum members have made what I felt were generous exchanges and I feel it would be somewhat of a betrayal of friendship just to turn and sell it for an in-your-face obvious profit. And yet, I would later feel it OK to trade it for another item for my permanent collection. Is that being disloyal?

                              But one thing I have done is that any deals I have made for my Cordova collection, I do consider permanent. It is added to my collection and it stays there. And along the way I have bought several large Cordova collections from collectors, not dealers, and I knew they were giving me better deals because it was going to a "good home" and what they took a lot of time putting together would not just be dumped without regard. Maybe it is an implied sense of collectors' honor. That may be unrealistic, but I think it holds in some cases for some deals.

                              But life situations change and no one can predict what might happen. I've managed to maintain my Cordova collection through cancer which completely devastated every other area of finances. I've been tempted at times to sell off a key item but have been able to hang on. And I admit, I was helped by the less-than-stellar ending to his career which made any market mighty small rather than if his items maintained high value.

                              So just speaking for myself, I view transactions from the forum a bit different than eBay or an auction item. If I buy or trade for an item, my intention is not to make a profit from a kindness. But I may make a trade for something that comes along for my Cordova collection ... and hope the forum member would understand. And maybe do the same. I admit when I am selling, if I sense something is going into a collection, I make a better deal for them. If I think it is going to be sold, I make sure I am happy with what I got so I am not tempted down the road that can be mistaken for seller's remorse.

                              But I am new here ... those are just some thoughts.

