I don't know why they have to go and mess up a good thing. I have read all of your posts on here about how bad the recent changes to eBay have made them. Now I am a victim, and I need to vent it off.

So, like most Bears collectors, I was hoping to cash in on our newest 'Dream Man', Jay Cutler.

A few weeks ago I got in touch with my connection at Reebok and asked them to make up 40 Authentic On-Field Cutler jerseys for me. I forked out the cash, up front, and all was good.

They arrived in the mail yesterday, exactly as I ordered, so I took some snapshots, wrote up a listing and posted them on eBay. 5 different sizes, 5 different listings.

4 out of the 5 had bids. No more than 2 hours after I had listed them I got an e-mail from eBay's Trust & Safety Dept. stating that I was in violation of eBay policy and that all of my listings have been removed....WTF!

I called the customer service line, only to be given the run around. I was told that they cannot give me any specifics as to why I was in violation. They could only tell me that I WAS in violation.

Now, why in the hell can they not tell me what's up. How am I supposed to correct the problem if no one is able to tell me what the problem is?

After some hard thought about what I may have violated, I went back on to My eBay, and tried to put them back up, only to be told that I have to take some ridiculous tutorial about policy violation.

So, I took their tutorial, redid the listing, took different photo's, redid the title and description, and relisted them.

4 hours goes by. I have bids on all 5 listings. I go to bed at 10pm. I get up this morning to the same frickin' e-mail!

They removed them AGAIN!

By now I am P*SSED OFF! I get back on the phone with Customer Care. They again tell me that they cannot tell me specifically what I was in violation of. I feel for the poor little girl I was screaming at, but I was not getting any answers and she refused to transfer me to someone who could assist me better.

Getting nowhere with this bimbo, I tried to call a 3rd time to try and get answers. Same story, except this time I was told to e-mail the Trust & Safety Dept. So, I did. I explained everything that was going on, my concerns, my 3 calls to customer care, etc.

Now I have to sit and wait to hear from them........

Why is it that they cannot tell me what I violated? Now my account is suspended & it isn't just 2 violations for 2 sets of listings. It's 10 violations! 1 violation per listing!

ARRRGGGGGG!! I am frustrated!!! Anyone have some advise on what I should do? Sorry about the tirade!