Whether you think Sheff should be voted in or not, it will be particularly interesting to see how he is viewed by the BBWAA.

He had the ability to be a Hall of Fame player, barring steroid aid, hitting 500 homers is still a MONUMENTAL feat in the game.....but this era has seen a bunch of those guys, ans the first major basher to get to the voters (McGwire) has not fared well. But it's early.

The real question with Sheff is: How will his past racial comments and gripes be viewed by the voters? Or, because Gary always throws the race card around, will the voters automatically avoid that issue for politically correct reasons alone? That issue alone makes his "consideration for the Hall" a whole different discussion.....talent-wise, I think he's done enough in his career to squeek in....the other issues mentioned will no doubt keep him out for a few years...

Anyway you look at it, the next 4-6 years are going to be really interesting. I can't wait to see how the voters handle Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens. These should turn out to be the two most controversial "votes for the Hall" in the history of the sport. McGwire is still being punished because he just won't come clean. He would most definately be forgiven because he was a tremendous ambassador for the game, and a likeable guy. But people just won't accept his lack of contrision of what we all know. He may blow his chance to get into the Hall if he doesn't change his stance.....come clean Mark, the Hall will follow. If ANYONE will be forgiven, it will be YOU.

Time will heal this "steroid era". It got out of hand, the record books were assaulted, but we all know, and the timeframe in this great game will always be acknowledged and recognized for what it was; A group of chemically morphisized giants who stepped over natural human boundaries to improve their performances on the field.

And unfortunately for Gary Sheffield, he will grouped into that category because of his brief stint of friendship with Barry Bonds, and self admission that he used. Who knows what the real truth is.