True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

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    Senior Member
    • Jul 2008
    • 541

    Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

    Originally posted by nationals2k9
    Regardless of the strong feelings yesterday and today... if this proves to be his lone run-in with the PED police and he contributes as the Dodgers make the playoffs, threatens 600hr and 2000rbi - he's still a first ballot HOF'er. He's obviously going to go down as one of the more crazy/interesting guys to ever play the game, but he's far from the Bonds and Clemens of the world in my opinion.
    This issue is already keeping people from the Hall of fame, 1st ballot at least. Manny won't care about the Hall of Fame as soon as he finds out there is no extra $$ in it for him.


    • encinorick
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2005
      • 235

      Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

      Tell ya a story. I have friend (yes, I do have friends) who was at one of those second-rated sports fairs last year and some poor guys shows up with a Mark McGwire GU bat. He said he paid thousands for it and wanted to sell it for a couple hundred dollars. My friend said nope. I agreed. I could care less if it was GU or not, I don't believe that McGwire was a baseball player, he just hit home runs on steriods, that's it.

      First, batter-up, someone tell me why raider's bat isn't real. I'm an idiot if I buy a GU Manny bat that isn't a GU Manny bat, but, if it's real, a Manny GU bat that's not cracked, I'll buy it.


      • kingjammy24
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2005
        • 3119

        Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

        Originally posted by nationals2k9
        If you had a "personal problem" and were a classically introverted personality as Manny is... would you run to the team doctor or open the LA phone book to fix your problem? For a guy that doesn't take trust lightly... do you trust your inner circle and attempt to fly under the radar or do you trust your new home some 3,000 miles away?
        re: manny's new home
        the LA medical community has long treated celebrities far more A-list than manny ramirez. manny is what passes for a celebrity in places like boston. in LA, not so much. i have a hard time seeing the dodgers team doctor running to TMZ or the enquirer because manny told him he couldn't get it up.

        besides, why would the dodgers care if manny was having a sexual dysfunction? i can only understand players hiding two things: injuries and banned PED-use.



        • corsairs22
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2008
          • 103

          Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

          If Manny went to a doctor for some problem and the doctor prescribed a medicine that unexpectedly led to a positive on the steroid test (or if it showed up as a steroid masking agent), then the doctor would be responsible for misinforming Manny about the effects of the medicine and for jeopardizing Manny's career. If this really happened, Ramirez's reps would be screaming bloody murder and suing this doctor for billions. But Manny is keeping quiet--because there is no doctor to blame. This means that he is NOT hall of fame material.


          • suicide_squeeze
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2008
            • 1442

            Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

            Personally, I'm sickened by this whole fiasco.

            Manny has got to be one of the stupidest athletes in the history of this world....

            He has ruined this season for me. I'm sure I am not alone as a Dodger fan. Every time I think of what a fun year it was going to be, starting off with breaking a 98-yr. old record, and basically leaving all of the Western Divisional foes in a cloud of THIS.


            ANOTHER PED ISSUE.

            Geezuz....I have a headache, and I don't think I can stand to see the sight of that smiling dreadlocked face again. I just have no respect for a guy who can just hold his middle finger up in the face of society like this while he cheats to get ahead.

            In fact, I'd like to see the Dodgers get their attorneys to sue Boras and his "client" and completely void out the two-year contract.

            Screw Manny Ramirez. Yes, I'm pissed.

            encinorick......I still can tell why you're being so giddy about this whole thing, and why you keep chanting on about a Manny bat. My suggestion to you is to buy your son a James Loney bat, or an Andre Ethier bat.

            Forget this self-indulged money grubbing lying bastard.


            • cohibasmoker
              • Aug 2005
              • 2379

              Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

              Has any forum member ever been tested for drugs by their employer? I have and it's a simple process. First, you fill out a form listing all of the medications you are currently taking as well as medications that you have taken within the past year. You sign the document and give the sample - well, you actually give two (2) samples.

              The sample is sent out and analyzed. If the sample comes back "hot", your list of medications is checked to see if any of your medications, past or present, may have any compounds in them that could have caused the positive test. That's it.

              I don't know if MLB has the same procedure (Providing a list of medications) or not but from what I do understand, the players are notified well in advance when they are being tested.



              • kingjammy24
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2005
                • 3119

                Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

                interesting article explaining more about HCG:

                When Manny Ramirez used hCG, he was going where several other baseball players had gone before -- and been caught.



                • encinorick
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 235

                  Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

                  Rudy: Tell me if Mike's Manny bat is legit, otherwise I'm gonna ask Lou Lampson. Seriously.


                  • kingjammy24
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 3119

                    Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

                    Originally posted by encinorick
                    Rudy: Tell me if Mike's Manny bat is legit, otherwise I'm gonna ask Lou Lampson. Seriously.
                    lampson likely knows as much as i do about ramirez bats. unlike lampson however, i don't want to comment on things i know nothing about.

                    it seems this ramirez bat really has you in a lather. why not ask bobby/"gameused" for help? he has something like 2355 ramirez bats. make a new it "DESPERATELY SEEKING BOBBY". maybe he'll chime in.



                    • emann
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 904

                      Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

                      Originally posted by encinorick
                      Rudy: Tell me if Mike's Manny bat is legit, otherwise I'm gonna ask Lou Lampson. Seriously.
                      Even though these posts are starting to feel like they're just made to draw out reactions, I'll bite...

                      Why are you doubting the authenticity of the bat? The seller bought it from Andy Benish who sells quality bats and is very reputable. It's a nice looking bat and shows good use, I'd buy it now if I didn't think Manny just destroyed his career, legacy and honor. He has been a plague on baseball for a few years now, all the while laughing to the bank as people like you keep supporting him. He's become lazy, angry, greedy and now caught cheating.

                      This was the last straw for me on Manny, I crossed him off my list of someone I'd want a gamer from. The arrogant way he carries himself is worse than McGwire, Sosa or Palmiero... He's in the land of Barry Bonds or Clemens now.


                      • Neely8
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 553

                        Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

                        Will somebody sell this guy a friggin bat already??


                        • David
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2024
                          • 1433

                          Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

                          The medical consensus that I've read on the drug is that, for a man, it's most commonly used as part of steroids use. Specifically, the drug helps restore lost testosterone from steroid use. Thus, the positive test would be a sign on steroid use, perhaps over a lengthy period of time. There is also the primary use of the drug, for women and fertility, but obviously this would not apply to Ramirez.

                          Ramirez has said he got it from a physician, but has not named the physician, which is not a good sign.

                          Lastly, if Ramirez had a legitimate medical use he could have cleared it with MLB and they would have given permission to use it. There are players who have permission from MLB to use steroids and HGH due to real medical issues. Manny saying he had a legitimate medical use without having cleared it with MLB is zero excuse and dubious, because he could have, should have, and I would argue would have, cleared it with MLB if he had a legitimate and above board medical issue.


                          • David
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2024
                            • 1433

                            Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

                            One last point I'd like to make about PEDS and competition, which I think is an important and often overlooked concept. In the Olympics, an athlete is not allowed to complete if he is known to have PEDs in his system. It does not matter whether or not the athlete knowingly or unknowingly took the drugs. He can't compete, period. The reason is because the drugged athlete would have unfair advantage over the other athletes. If it is shown the athlete had his gatoratde spiked when he wasn't looking, he likely would escape punishent, but he still can't compete as the PED in his body would give him an unfair advantage.

                            In classic MLB thinking, in the first year of punishment, a player would be given a 15 (10?) game suspension for first time testing positive for steroids. However, even after dincontinuation, the postive effects of steroids lasts weeks to months. In other words, MLB allowed players to play who they knew had an unfair advantage due to steroids.


                            • stretch
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 210

                              Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

                              Originally posted by encinorick
                              I don't believe that Manny's a cheat like the rest. I believe that Manny is what Manny does, which usually comes down to doing stupid things.

                              I have a collection of single-signed 500 HR balls (w/o Ruth, Ott, and Foxx) for my son, 22 in all, and there's two catagories, cheaters and non-cheaters. I have 6 in the cheaters (you can guess who they are), but, refuse to put Manny with the cheaters.

                              I'll even buy a Manny bat for the boy, if you show it here and it's legit.

                              I bleed Blue, my tears are Manny blue-tears.

                              2009 World Series

                              Dodgers v. Jays, Dodger sweep, Manny hits 4 homers in game 4.
                              Manny's played 80 games for the blue and your acting as if he's been a Dodgers for years.

                              Your son has nothing to worry about when he gets his first speeding ticket because Daddy will be there to prove everyone else is wrong.

                              Face the facts and do some research on what Manny used.


                              • mwbosoxfan
                                Senior Member
                                • Mar 2006
                                • 184

                                Re: True Dodger Blue Manny Fan

                                By the Numbers

                                Manny Ramirez has always been a consistent run producer, but during his 80-game tenure in Los Angeles, his power numbers have spiked considerably.

                                I'm not saying that this shows anything definitively, but thought the numbers were actually pretty interesting.

