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  1. #1
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    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    Quote Originally Posted by suicide_squeeze View Post
    One was premeditated. With planning, funding, efforts to conceal, etc.

    The other was an accident............if you can consider driving drunk an accident.

    In any case, it very well may be that neither of these guys ever play professional football again. We'll see I guess.
    No you must not call drunk driving an accident,you obviously have never lost a loved one to a drunk! A dogs life a couple of hundred bucks, human ,priceless,or should i say 28 days!

  2. #2
    Senior Member kingjammy24's Avatar
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    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    Quote Originally Posted by dirtyla2000 View Post
    ..He did his time and lost everything!
    but he didn't lose everything. he's still alive isn't he? the same can't be said for many of his dogs.

    imo, the punishment didn't fit the crime. put him in the ring with a couple of pits like he did to his dogs. if he comes out alive, then he earned it. if not, no big loss. he's just another piece of garbage; little more than a vile, repugnant idiot-child possessing every loathsome characteristic of the human species and even a few outside of it; completely bereft of any semblance of humanity, he seems suited for little beyond maggot fodder. if not for his ability to throw a ball and all of the caligulan proclivities that that ability enabled, it's hard to imagine he wouldn't have spent his life plumbing new depths of human depravity much like the other vick grotesque that his mother contemptibly unleashed unto society.

    most of the dogs i've met were better "people" than many people i've met.


  3. #3

    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    Quote Originally Posted by kingjammy24 View Post
    he's just another piece of garbage; little more than a vile, repugnant idiot-child possessing every loathsome characteristic of the human species and even a few outside of it; completely bereft of any semblance of humanity, he seems suited for little beyond maggot fodder. if not for his ability to throw a ball and all of the caligulan proclivities that that ability enabled, it's hard to imagine he wouldn't have spent his life plumbing new depths of human depravity much like the other vick grotesque that his mother contemptibly unleashed unto society.
    C'mon Rudy....don't hold back, tell us how you really feel...

  4. #4
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    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    I actually agree with just about everything Joel is saying, and yes I have several pets. I have no problem with the guy wanting to play again. If a team wants to pick him up, I'd say so be it.

    I dont think the man should be denied a job because he committed a crime. He served his time whether we agreed with the term or not. He wants to play again, he's qualified, and someone wants to give him a shot, thats their business.

    Think about it too.... its not like he'll have much of a chance in the NFL anyways. He wasnt the greatest quarterback to begin with.

  5. #5
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    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    WOW,thank god you are not a prison warden! compassion says alot of a society! by the way they were dogs!

  6. #6

    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    Vick knowingly committed and crime and went to prison as he should have.

    Too many kids idolize football players and prison. The 2 should never meet. Vick should be banished from the NFL to set an example for everyone.

  7. #7
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    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    Vick and anyone else who fight animals for amusements are the biggest cowards in society. Did Vick serve his time? Some will say yes but I don't think the punishment was severe enough. You do realize that he not only tortured and killed his own dogs but his "Bad Boyz Club" also took people's pets and put them in the rings with their dogs and watched them rip them to shreds.

    Cowards like them are too chicken $hit to get in a boxing or MMA ring and fight as they would rather use an animal for their amusement. I would give anything to get in the ring at my family's boxing gym with Michael Vick or any cowards like him for just three minutes. Give me three minutes, that's all I need.

    The problem with society today is that it is just too forgiving. Do you really think that Vick is sorry for what he did to those dogs? I don't. He is sorry that he got caught and lost all the money that he did. That's the only thing he is remorseful about.

    I think Vick should be court ordered as part of his deal that he must volunteer at an animal shelter or sanctuary for 8 hours a week for the next ten years. The first week he misses he should be sent to prison for the remainder of the sentence.

  8. #8
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    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vintagedeputy View Post
    Vick knowingly committed and crime and went to prison as he should have. Too many kids idolize football players and prison. The 2 should never meet. Vick should be banished from the NFL to set an example for everyone.
    frankly, i thought an excellent example was already made of vick and a resounding message sent: if you break the law, you can and will go to prison, you can and will do time - regardless of your wealth, fame, popularity or profession. in fact i think the message was not only powerful but also far-reaching, especially where kids are concerned.

    re: does vick deserve a second chance to play pro football? imo, sure he does. but what makes this question intriguing is the amount of money vick stands to earn should he get a second chance. i mean would we be having this discussion if the guy happened to stock shelves at walmart for a living? would anyone care in the least if a walmart in buffalo hired him back after he completed his stretch? i doubt it. he would be just another ex-con trying to get on with his life.

    but the fact that vick stands to earn millions should he get another chance to play pro ball throws a wrench into the conversation - a thug commits a despicable crime yet at the end of the day emerges smelling like roses and is financially set for life. tough to swallow, doesn't square, justice doesn't seem to prevail. the nfl and/or nfl franchises will ultimately determine vick's fate and that's fine with me, regardless of what road they take. if vick is allowed to play, i will not boycott pro football - thugs will continue to make up a percentage of nfl players with or without vick, something i've grudgingly learned to accept. if vick is not allowed to play, i won't pop the champagne - i'll just chalk it up as yet another sad nfl story of wasted opportunity and talent.

    as far as dog fighting is concerned, like most here i find it despicable and reprehensible. and criminal. nonetheless i can't dismiss those that engage in it as depraved, psychotic, future serial killers, etc... the sad and bleak reality is this world, this country even, has simply not progressed morally or culturally at the same pace. i lived outside of the u.s. for over a decade and the abhorrent treatment of animals i witnessed first hand was not the exception, but the rule. and it wasn't at the hands of the criminally insane that these animals suffered.

    when i was 12-years-old, living in mexico city, i attended a bullfight. the packed arena filled with the well-heeled and the barefoot did not prepare me for what i saw. an utterly gruesome spectacle that redefined animal torture. before the matador even began, the picadores, on horseback, went to work on the bull's neck with heavy steel spears - the object was to weaken the bull's neck muscles to the point where it could no longer thrust its head/horns effectively. next up, for good measure, entered the bandilleros whose job it was to stab and secure heavy barbed steel posts in the bull's exposed neck muscles. these heavy posts served as perpetual weight that continued to pull at the bull's neck muscles throughout the ordeal, further weakening the bull, its capacity to swing its head, causing intentional albeit controlled loss of blood. all to the utter delight of tens of thousands cheering fans. then and only then did the matodor show his face. to finally slay the bull with a sword. the grand finale? the bloodied and murdered bull was dragged around the arena by horseback rider, and the matador re-entered the ring with the bull's freshly severed ears and tail which he raised to the delirious and adoring crowd. the spectacle is then repeated all over again with a new bull. a spectacle that's alive and well in mexico, spain, france, to name a few.

    i'm a dog guy. my dogs have not been pets, they've been important family members. what vick was involved with was horrific. but imo it was an act of a culturally and morally stunted man, an uneducated man, not an act of a depraved sociopath or the criminally insane. he was found guilty and did his time. jmo.


  9. #9

    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    suicide_squeeze- I really appreciate your response to my post. While I disagree with your opinion on some of the things you mention, I think it's appropriate to agree to disagree without any hard feelings.

    aeneas01- I couldn't agree more with what you have written. That was a VERY well written post!



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