Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

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  • cordovacollector
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 646

    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    Just an outsider's viewpoint here. I started loathing Vikings football the year a few players at different times were charged with rape and got no punishment. At the time, Denny Green's response was something akin to "boys will be boys." Later similar charges were mentioned about him. Then there was the Love Boat scandal. Just to name a few local incidents.

    I had said I would never go to a Viking's game as long as Green and R. Moss were around. They are both long gone and I still have no interest. (Moss hit a security/police official with his car, there was a joint in the ashtray - no charges. Yeah, Randy Moss 'I play when I want to play.' The guy that heads to the locker room with time on the clock. Who if the ball isn't going to be thrown to him, would take two steps and stop.) Doesn't even surprise me there are rumors for the Vikings taking Vick - even with Childress' public acclamations that criminal/bad conduct does not have a place with the Vikings any longer.

    I know no sport is pure. But I'll "pass" on football.


    • cordovacollector
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 646

      Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

      Originally posted by chakes89
      I place more blame on his parents and the people that guided him throughout his life until now more than I blame Vick for what was done
      That's where I made my mistake. I got confused because I thought he was an adult not a child.


      • suicide_squeeze
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 1442

        Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

        Originally posted by chakes89
        Killing society?

        Last time I checked, Dogs aren't people and shouldn't be treated like such

        They are animals that can turn on you at any time with dangerous results

        Vick was/is a victim of his environment but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have been held accountable for what he did

        I place more blame on his parents and the people that guided him throughout his life until now more than I blame Vick for what was done
        chakes89......."was" was a typo....should have read "wasn't". After it was posted, I couldn't change it, and if you read the next line, I was hoping everyone could figure out what I meant to say.


        • kingjammy24
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 3119

          Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

          "Last time I checked, Dogs aren't people and shouldn't be treated like such"

          and should therefore be killed for amusement? anyway, it's true that dogs aren't like people; unlike vick and many of his pals, i've yet to meet a dog who kills purely to entertain himself. seems even dogs have progressed beyond the sort of reprehensible behavior that still plagues some people.

          given that dogs do everything from fight in wars, help the handicapped, keep the borders and airports safe, search for missing people, etc., they're as much a part of society as anyone else. should a dog ever rescue your life, be sure you remember he shouldn't be accorded the same respect as a person.

          "They are animals that can turn on you at any time with dangerous results"

          completely unlike people, right?



          • cordovacollector
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2009
            • 646

            Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

            Rudy, you get a hug for that post!


            • dirtyla2000
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2008
              • 269

              Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

              Originally posted by chakes89
              Killing society?

              Last time I checked, Dogs aren't people and shouldn't be treated like such

              They are animals that can turn on you at any time with dangerous results

              Vick was/is a victim of his environment but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have been held accountable for what he did

              I place more blame on his parents and the people that guided him throughout his life until now more than I blame Vick for what was done
              finally some common sense!


              • dirtyla2000
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2008
                • 269

                Re: Should Vick wear pork-chop underpants?

                Originally posted by sportscentury
                Warren's not attacking you ... he's just teasing you. There are folks on here who seem to wait for you to post sp that they can attack you, but there are also times when you take things the wrong way. Warren is far from a GUU bully.

                As for why this thread is in the Auction Item Discussion section, you'll have to ask Dirtyla2000 (good luck with that discussion!). Joel v. Dirtyla2000 ... I know we'd all tune in for that!

                I recently made a post in the General Discussion section about why GUU still has the separate sections (General Discussion and Auction Item Discussion). It seems like GUUers post a lot of threads in the wrong section. This is a prime example. Not a big deal by any means - I just thought it might be better to combine them. (Not a single person responded to my thread, so I think I am alone on that one!)
                GO LICK YOUR DOG!!!!!!!1


                • reed1216
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 322

                  Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                  "That said, the point you guys need to differentiate between Ray and Vick is that Ray was aquitted from the charges against him....Vick was found quilty.

                  Therefore, the stigma of what Vick did will never leave his side. Ray can claim he did nothing wrong, and has a juries decision to back it up.....right or wrong as it may be."

                  Right or wrong as that may be???? I think we might be contradicting ourselves here. I thought we were discussing right versus wrong here. I love dogs, always have and always will. They are incredible creatures and are as loyal and loving as an animal could be. However, to suggest that Ray Lewis can defend himself on the basis of what a jury decided is missing the point. In fact, I would suggest that getting away with being an accomplice to murdering a human being is FAR worse than getting caught killing dogs. If anything, Vick should at least be given the benefit of the doubt over Ray Ray because he will have served his time before playing in the NFL.

                  If you truley believe that Lewis was innocent, then my argument doesn't hold any water. But if Ray did get away with being an accomplice to a murder, don't you think his penalty should have been more severe than what Vick got? Hell, Lewis got off without a slap on the wrist and there are people here defending him over Michael Vick. Absolutely ridiculous...

                  I fully expect a thread defending OJ because he was "acquitted" of murdering his ex-wife and Ron Goldman, because a jury said so. At least he had that going for him, prior to commiting armed robbery....


                  • sportscentury
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 2008

                    Re: Should Vick wear pork-chop underpants?

                    Originally posted by dirtyla2000
                    GO LICK YOUR DOG!!!!!!!1
                    Dirty/Perry - Chris Cavalier has already had to delete some of your unconscionable posts and attacks in this thread (not to mention your other beautiful and intelligent threads). Your insistence in behaving in this manner does nothing but expose to the GUU community your character and value. You seem to be completely incapable of contributing in a meaningful manner. Again, very sad.
                    Always looking for top NBA game worn items of superstar and Hall-of-Fame-caliber players (especially Kobe, LeBron, MJ, Curry and Durant). Also looking for game worn items of all players from special events (e.g., All Star Game, NBA Finals, milestone games, etc.). Please contact me at Thank you.


                    • Mr.3000

                      Re: Should Vick wear pork-chop underpants?

                      Originally posted by sportscentury
                      Dirty/Perry - Chris Cavalier has already had to delete some of your unconscionable posts and attacks in this thread (not to mention your other beautiful and intelligent threads). Your insistence in behaving in this manner does nothing but expose to the GUU community your character and value. You seem to be completely incapable of contributing in a meaningful manner. Again, very sad.

                      I'm sure I'm not the only member here that agrees with you.


                      • dirtyla2000
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 269

                        Re: Should Vick wear pork-chop underpants?

                        Originally posted by sportscentury
                        Dirty/Perry - Chris Cavalier has already had to delete some of your unconscionable posts and attacks in this thread (not to mention your other beautiful and intelligent threads). Your insistence in behaving in this manner does nothing but expose to the GUU community your character and value. You seem to be completely incapable of contributing in a meaningful manner. Again, very sad.
                        funny how you threw the first insult and now go crying to adminesration!WAIT, I WILL GIVE YOU MY MOTHERS NO. YOU COULD CALL HER TOO! I started this thread and it was enjoyable untill it was hijacked by your insults and slammys!when you dont agree, dont degrade,it only exposes your ignorance and prejudice s!


                        • suicide_squeeze
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 1442

                          Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                          Originally posted by reed1216
                          "That said, the point you guys need to differentiate between Ray and Vick is that Ray was aquitted from the charges against him....Vick was found quilty.

                          Therefore, the stigma of what Vick did will never leave his side. Ray can claim he did nothing wrong, and has a juries decision to back it up.....right or wrong as it may be."

                          Right or wrong as that may be???? I think we might be contradicting ourselves here. I thought we were discussing right versus wrong here. I love dogs, always have and always will. They are incredible creatures and are as loyal and loving as an animal could be. However, to suggest that Ray Lewis can defend himself on the basis of what a jury decided is missing the point. In fact, I would suggest that getting away with being an accomplice to murdering a human being is FAR worse than getting caught killing dogs. If anything, Vick should at least be given the benefit of the doubt over Ray Ray because he will have served his time before playing in the NFL.

                          If you truley believe that Lewis was innocent, then my argument doesn't hold any water. But if Ray did get away with being an accomplice to a murder, don't you think his penalty should have been more severe than what Vick got? Hell, Lewis got off without a slap on the wrist and there are people here defending him over Michael Vick. Absolutely ridiculous...

                          I fully expect a thread defending OJ because he was "acquitted" of murdering his ex-wife and Ron Goldman, because a jury said so. At least he had that going for him, prior to commiting armed robbery....


                          What exactly are you trying to say here? Because I don't understand who you singing to.

                          You have taken three sentences out of what I posted, and you seem to be arguing with.........well, yourself?

                          I think Ray is a piece of garbage, and I stated so. I also stated that he "got off" of some extremely serious charges. I personally believe that was wrong, but AI wasn't a member of the jury, and didn't witness, hear, or participate in the deliberations. All I can tell you is to me, Ray is garbage.

                          Vick was accused, and found guilty. Probably because there was so much freaking evidence all over the place, not to mention his friends who "roilled over" on him and told ALL.....he is a convicted felon now. Do I think any more or less of him vs. Ray? DID you READ MT POSTS?

                          What is your POINT here in quoting three sentences of mine? Are you in some twisted way trying to substantiate anything dirtyla200 is punching out on a keyboard? If so, maybe you should seek some professional help. But don't take what I said out of context, and twist it into some silly misunderstanding on your part.

                          No, dogs aren't human beings and they shouldn't be treated as such.

                          They should be treated with MORE respect than humans show one another, because they aren't up to the task of running the world, and the crappy little things that humans do in it.

                          I have been holding back, and have tried to keep it easy on the administrtors here. What kind of a fool would I look like if I just came out and said "They should SHOOT Vick the F%&K for what he did, to insure he won't continue to do it anymore"? Yeah, I'm sure Chris and Eric would love to come accross that. So I did it in a much more suttle way.

                          If anybody reading this post thinks dogs don't deserve the best treatment in the world, as ALL OTHER PETS DO who depend on us to live their sweet little lives, then don't cross MY path, because I'd just as soon WASTE YOU than say "Hi".

                          I hope that's clear enough.


                          • suicide_squeeze
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 1442

                            Re: Should Vick wear pork-chop underpants?

                            Originally posted by sportscentury
                            Dirty/Perry - Chris Cavalier has already had to delete some of your unconscionable posts and attacks in this thread (not to mention your other beautiful and intelligent threads). Your insistence in behaving in this manner does nothing but expose to the GUU community your character and value. You seem to be completely incapable of contributing in a meaningful manner. Again, very sad.
                            AMEN, brother!

                            I mean, is this guy kidding with these posts or what?


                            • suicide_squeeze
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 1442

                              Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                              God Bless it......I have to work on my's rediculous already


                              • reed1216
                                Senior Member
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 322

                                Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                                suicide_squeeze- First, I want to apologize if you misinterpreted my post as an attack on you. However, to suggest that I am arguing with myself is kind of silly...

                                I think what I am hearing you say is that dogs should be treated better than human beings because we're capable of doing so. If I'm misinterpreting this, please correct me. If I have it right, I totally disagree. I love dogs, but to say they should be treated better than people treat one another is an interesting statement. I like to think I treat everyone with decency and respect. Maybe, as a community, we should work harder on treating one another better and let the dogs follow...

                                The reason I quoted a portion of your post is because I disagree with THAT portion of your post. I think we can agree to disagree without suggesting I need professional help. Is that too much to ask?

                                As for dirtyla and you comparing his statements to mine... I think the only area of agreement I have with him is that we both believe Vick deserves another chance. I don't support the way he (or you for that matter) have been throwing your opinions around, while at the same time ridiculing others who might dare to disagree with you.

                                I think that we do agree that dogs and all pets deserve to be taken care of properly and given the love they need to be happy animals. I'd just like to think we could have a discussion without getting personal. While I might think some of your views are askew, I imagine others feel the same way with mine. That's okay with me. I'd rather approach those people, say hello and discuss the matter with them, than "WASTE" them.

                                Have a wonderful holiday weekend...

