Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

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  • dirtyla2000
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2008
    • 269

    Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    I cant believe some people think MICHAEL VICK should not be allowed to play ball again! He did his time and lost everything! I would love to see him back! I believe what drunk drivers do to be much worst, and in sports that sort of behaviour is tolerted. Just because you got lucky and didn t kill anyone while boozed up is no excuse!
  • roygrady
    Junior Member
    • May 2009
    • 5

    Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

    I totally agree.


    • Mr.3000

      Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

      I have ZERO compassion for either Vick brother. They are, in my own opinion, thugs. I have zero tolerance for thugs. What's worse, is that they both act like privileged if they deserver special treatment and/or are allowed to act the way they act because they have some atheltic ability.

      They are not the exception these days, they are the norm when it comes to athletes coming out of Virginia.

      I live in Va. I see it on a daily basis.


      • sportscentury
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2005
        • 2008

        Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

        I don't have a problem with him playing again, though I will admit that I doubt I'll ever be able to look at or think of Vick again without immediately thinking of the chronic cruelty of animals he financed and otherwise enabled/supported. He did his time and if the NFL wants to let him play, I don't have a problem with it. But it will be hard for me to simply forget his crimes. As for the comparison of Vick's behavior to drunk driving, that is irrelevant. The latter has nothing to do with the assessment or treatment of the former. Murder is worse than theft, but I hope we would not let a thief off the hook simply because he did not murder anyone. Let's stick to the issue.
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        • both-teams-played-hard
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 2712

          Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

          I'm sure that there is a team that will sign him.


          • stkmtimo
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2005
            • 480

            Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

            Originally posted by Mr.3000
            I have ZERO compassion for either Vick brother. They are, in my own opinion, thugs. I have zero tolerance for thugs. What's worse, is that they both act like privileged if they deserver special treatment and/or are allowed to act the way they act because they have some atheltic ability.

            They are not the exception these days, they are the norm when it comes to athletes coming out of Virginia.

            I live in Va. I see it on a daily basis.
            I'm with you. I have no compassion for either brother. Both have had such a long history of legal problems that there's no doubt things will continue that way. I'll never forget the issues Marcus had while at VT from bringing alcohol to three underage girls at a party, to brandishing a firearm at a McDonald's, to having sexual relations with a 15 year old girl and lastly, to stomping on Elvis Dumervil's leg during a game against Lousville. Sadly, that's only the beginning on the litany of legal problems he has faced.

            On the other hand, what type of person does it take to subject animals to the type of cruelty that Michael subjected them to? All I can say about that is that what he did to those dogs was both disgusting and inhumane. Does he deserve a second chance? I don't think so and I can't say I will be pulling for him if he does come back.



            • trsent
              • Nov 2005
              • 3739

              Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

              So, the guy committed a crime, served his time and now he should be able to reenter society and continue his life, right?


              • cohibasmoker
                • Aug 2005
                • 2379

                Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                So Mr. Vick served his time and now he seeks compassion from us and the NFL so he can return to football and make millions of dollars. What was the line in the Batman Begins movie, "Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society".



                • xpress34
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 2648

                  Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                  Originally posted by cohibasmoker
                  So Mr. Vick served his time and now he seeks compassion from us and the NFL so he can return to football and make millions of dollars. What was the line in the Batman Begins movie, "Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society".

                  Well stated.

                  In response to the earlier statement about drunk driving:

                  Originally posted by dirtyla2000
                  I cant believe some people think MICHAEL VICK should not be allowed to play ball again! He did his time and lost everything! I would love to see him back! I believe what drunk drivers do to be much worst, and in sports that sort of behaviour is tolerted. Just because you got lucky and didn t kill anyone while boozed up is no excuse!
                  He should lose everything - he's a CRIMINAL!!! And you're right, just because you didn't KILL anyone is no excuse... well this piece of CRAP has NO excuse - he went OUT OF HIS WAY to KILL Dogs that didn't fight as well as he wanted them too.

                  He had everything and thought he was ABOVE THE LAW - so now people like you want to REWARD him and let him keep his former lavish lifestyle and go back to making millions??? Great lesson for the younger generations:

                  "Become wealthy and famous, do whatever the hell you want. If you get caught, do your time and we'll make sure you get right back to the status quo you were at previously."

                  So I guess you think once Uncle Bernie Maddoff serves his time he should be allowed to come back and manage people's money again because he's served his time??? He did drunk drive or kill anyone...

                  What about all the other 'white collar' criminals??? We should let them all go back to what made them rich in the first place - even though they are also CRIMINALS???

                  There is NO Reasonable argument that can be made why ANY Athlete or Celebrity that has committed a crime - particularly a FELONY like Michael Vick - should be allowed to just resume their previous 'Jet Set' lifestyle.

                  Show me where American business is openly hiring Ex-Cons who also 'served their time' so they can move ahead in life.

                  If Vick takes the $10 an hour Construction Job he has talked about taking and does some back breaking REAL work like the rest of us, I will be impressed.

                  It still doesn't make me believe the NFL should just open their arms and welcome him back - but, unfortunately (like every Pro Sport) they will because he was one of their ELITE and the bottom line is the $$$ he will bring to the game from the fans.

                  Just my .02

                  - Chris

                  (P.S. - JIM (cohiba)... per the docs yesterday, I should be back at work by the 2nd week of June which means we will start the Negotiation/Settlement phase... which means I can complete my hat deal with you sometime in either June or July!!! I will drop you an eMail next week... Chris)


                  • trsent
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 3739

                    Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                    Michael Vick is a moron who lied when he got caught so he went to jail. The guy promoted dog fights. Sick? Yes, very, but his punishment was set and now he should look to return to his line of work and rejoin society when everything ends in a few months.

                    I personally felt he was an overrated quarterback. Broke Bobby Douglas' record for quarterback rushing but was a poor quarterback who couldn't pass. He was the most popular player in the sport before his controversy started.

                    He didn't get caught killing humans, he didn't get caught dealing or abusing drugs. He got caught in a dog fighting deal that would have blown over if he didn't lie when first questioned about it.

                    So, he was punished, he feels rehabilitated and now it is time to find work in his field of expertise. Best of luck to him in his pursuit.

                    I just finished an issue of Sports Illustrated from 1983. The issue or so before had a great article about Howard Cosell. The letters section in the back of the magazine tore SI to pieces for the piece. People just hated Cosell. No difference here - People don't want to let a guy who was punished for his non-human life threatening crime come back to society? Why? He is a moron, but he deserves a chance to fail again in the NFL.


                    • xpress34
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2648

                      Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                      Per the Maddoff comment - should have read DIDN'T Drunk Drive or Kill anyone...

                      (LOVE the Post Edit Features here!!! )


                      • David
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2024
                        • 1433

                        Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                        I give to animal charities and have had pet dogs all my life, and think Vick should be given a second chance.

                        Duly note that I believe one gives forgiveness to whose who sincerely ask for it, not those who don't. People would often say in past years "Pete Rose has suffered enough, it's it time we forgive him for lying?," even though Rose was continuing to lie (a fact he later revealed), much less never asked anyone for forgiveness. At the time, forgiveness was neither asked for, nor deserved.


                        • xpress34
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 2648

                          Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                          Originally posted by trsent
                          Michael Vick is a moron who lied when he got caught so he went to jail. The guy promoted dog fights. Sick? Yes, very, but his punishment was set and now he should look to return to his line of work and rejoin society when everything ends in a few months.

                          He didn't get caught killing humans, he didn't get caught dealing or abusing drugs. He got caught in a dog fighting deal that would have blown over if he didn't lie when first questioned about it.

                          So, he was punished, he feels rehabilitated and now it is time to find work in his field of expertise. Best of luck to him in his pursuit.

                          I just finished an issue of Sports Illustrated from 1983. The issue or so before had a great article about Howard Cosell. The letters section in the back of the magazine tore SI to pieces for the piece. People just hated Cosell. No difference here - People don't want to let a guy who was punished for his non-human life threatening crime come back to society? Why? He is a moron, but he deserves a chance to fail again in the NFL.
                          So if I worked for you and one night I decided to go on B&E (Breaking and Entering) Spree - no threat to life, no weapons - and ripped off house after house and got caught, you'd just hire me back after I served my time??? RIGHT...

                          I'm guessing you don't own any animals either... we're not just talking about KILLING a defenseless animal - we're talking about SEVERELY ABUSING IT to make it want to kill other animals and then if it can't do the job after you've mistreated it for months (if not years) on end you CLUB IT TO DEATH (no gunshot - CLUBBED - where's the mercy???) because it 'failed' you???

                          And the crime would not have blown over - it's a FELONY crime, not a misdemeanor... so Vick isn't 'just' an Ex-Con, he's a FELON.

                          Hell man, OJ was AQUITTED of Murder - which means he 'did his time' in the Court of Law... would you hire him???

                          I have NOTHING against Vick rejoining Society... I have EVERYTHING against him being HANDED the Keys to the Castle on a Silver Platter simply because of who he was...

                          Denny McClain was busted for WHITE COLLAR Crime - NO Hurting or Killing of ANY Animal or Human - I didn't see the MLB lining up to offer him a chance to play again... oh, that's right... that was back when we weren't scared to speak our minds (i.e. Politcal Correctness) and everyone that did something wrong paid the FULL price... they weren't fed the BS that society somehow failed them and therefore owed them something when they finished serving their time.

                          And it's arguments like these FOR the THUGS and GANG BANGERS in the NBA and NFL that make me continue to watch MLB. They may not be perfect, but at least their is a set policy with the 3 strikes and you're out... I don't read stories about MLB players pulling guns in Strip Joints or Choking their bosses, etc., etc... Just like th epeople pulling for what's his head from the Giants who shot himself with his own gun in the night club... everyone thinks he should just be able to come back to the NFL - he didn't commit a crime against anyone - but he did committ a FELONY in the State of New York!!! You or I would lose our job and be in jail already. Same should apply to EVERYONE.

                          - Chris


                          • David
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2024
                            • 1433

                            Re: Doesn T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                            In other words, forgiveness is for the repentant not the unrepentant. How much the still unrepentant was penalized is neither here nor there as far as forgiveness goes.


                            • trsent
                              • Nov 2005
                              • 3739

                              Re: Doesn't T Vick Deserve A Second Chance?

                              Originally posted by xpress34
                              So if I worked for you and one night I decided to go on B&E (Breaking and Entering) Spree - no threat to life, no weapons - and ripped off house after house and got caught, you'd just hire me back after I served my time??? RIGHT...

                              I'm guessing you don't own any animals either... we're not just talking about KILLING a defenseless animal - we're talking about SEVERELY ABUSING IT to make it want to kill other animals and then if it can't do the job after you've mistreated it for months (if not years) on end you CLUB IT TO DEATH (no gunshot - CLUBBED - where's the mercy???) because it 'failed' you???

                              And the crime would not have blown over - it's a FELONY crime, not a misdemeanor... so Vick isn't 'just' an Ex-Con, he's a FELON.

                              Hell man, OJ was AQUITTED of Murder - which means he 'did his time' in the Court of Law... would you hire him???

                              I have NOTHING against Vick rejoining Society... I have EVERYTHING against him being HANDED the Keys to the Castle on a Silver Platter simply because of who he was...

                              Denny McClain was busted for WHITE COLLAR Crime - NO Hurting or Killing of ANY Animal or Human - I didn't see the MLB lining up to offer him a chance to play again... oh, that's right... that was back when we weren't scared to speak our minds (i.e. Politcal Correctness) and everyone that did something wrong paid the FULL price... they weren't fed the BS that society somehow failed them and therefore owed them something when they finished serving their time.

                              And it's arguments like these FOR the THUGS and GANG BANGERS in the NBA and NFL that make me continue to watch MLB. They may not be perfect, but at least their is a set policy with the 3 strikes and you're out... I don't read stories about MLB players pulling guns in Strip Joints or Choking their bosses, etc., etc... Just like th epeople pulling for what's his head from the Giants who shot himself with his own gun in the night club... everyone thinks he should just be able to come back to the NFL - he didn't commit a crime against anyone - but he did committ a FELONY in the State of New York!!! You or I would lose our job and be in jail already. Same should apply to EVERYONE.

                              - Chris
                              Chris, your comparisons if I would hire a guy or not are not fair.

                              Will The Atlanta Falcons offer him to come back? I doubt it.

                              Will other NFL teams find room for him to play for them? You bet!

                              Comparing OJ Simpson, Denny McLain and Michael Vick doesn't make sense. If football is strong enough to deny him work, that is their choice, but I can tell you, he has a right to apply for jobs in his field of expertise.

                              People can bash him forever, but he has a right to apply for work. If they decide not to offer him work - That is his loss, his mistake.

