Quote Originally Posted by dirtyla2000 View Post
..He did his time and lost everything!
but he didn't lose everything. he's still alive isn't he? the same can't be said for many of his dogs.

imo, the punishment didn't fit the crime. put him in the ring with a couple of pits like he did to his dogs. if he comes out alive, then he earned it. if not, no big loss. he's just another piece of garbage; little more than a vile, repugnant idiot-child possessing every loathsome characteristic of the human species and even a few outside of it; completely bereft of any semblance of humanity, he seems suited for little beyond maggot fodder. if not for his ability to throw a ball and all of the caligulan proclivities that that ability enabled, it's hard to imagine he wouldn't have spent his life plumbing new depths of human depravity much like the other vick grotesque that his mother contemptibly unleashed unto society.

most of the dogs i've met were better "people" than many people i've met.
