First of all I want to say I know Chris Cavalier /GUU personally and I applaud his efforts to help clean up this industry. He is an honorable guy and this is why chooses to work with Chris to offer jerseys and equipment directly from teams, players etc. to the industry. With that being said, I have seen and read all I am going to about this LeBron James game worn jersey JUNK. I have been trying to for 2 years to obtain a legitimate LeBron James game worn jersey outside the NBA auctions directly from LeBron. I have a good relationship with LeBron and his reps. For reason’s I am not at liberty to disclose LeBron DOES NOT let his game worn jerseys available to the market. Now does this mean there are 0 legit gamers out in the market outside the NBA auctions—NO. But it does mean that the last 100 game worn jerseys that have been offered in auctions and ebay etc. (A5-A7) are no good—I would say 99.9% are not legitimate gamers. So I put in a text today with his rep and explained to him the problems with this industry and what has been going on regarding LeBron jerseys. “Lebron is a marketing genius, and is well aware of his image and equipment.” Also his rep “will speak with LeBron to get me any/all info requested to help” Now I may hear back from him today, tomorrow, month or year but I will hear from him regardless if I have to bug the heck out of him. Once I hear from him I will post the information giving to me from LeBron regarding his jerseys.

Thank you