Quote Originally Posted by suave1477 View Post
I was at spring training this year Yankees vs. Team USA and Jeter after warming up walked over to the visitors side and was signing alot of autographs i would say sor about almost 10 minutes. But you can tell he wanted to get away quick. The only reason why he did it because the media was there and he wanted to uphold his great image by signing for some fans.

Mourneau came out right after him and and was signing for everyone and anyone there and wouldn't stop till he signed for everyone. He must have been there for 30 minutes at least.
Jeter sounds a lot like Sam-Me Sosa. He would sign for fans at length at Wrigley Field...as long as there were cameras around to record it. During the 2000 season, as he and the Cubs deplaned in Japan for their series with the Mets, Sam-Me, aware that a photgrapher was nearby, whipped out a pen to give the appearance that he was going to start signing for Japanese fans. Don't know if he did or didn't, but the photographer got the shot, and it was plastered in the next edition of one of the Chicago papers.

Dave M.
Chicago area