So, I'm very new to getting my GU items signed by the players. I've always wanted to do this as it gives some sort of instant authentication and is more interesting to own to me than a signed photo or ball. (... and most of what I collect is from the 80's generation of players anyway, well before MLB holos... LOL)

I've brought two bats to signings this month and gotten the same reaction from the players; "this was my bat... but how did you get it?"

Neither of them have been "angry" about it, George Foster was one of the two and was actually very nice, saying "it was a good bat, but it's got a crack, see?" (then pointing out the crack to me). He talked with me a little more, looked it over fondly and even wrote "game used" on it for me.

But it still left me feeling a bit odd. I'm just wondering how other collectors feel when you get something signed (or show to a player). I'd prefer not to get a "this was stolen from my locker, you theif!!!!"* at some point from one of my favorite players, but feel it might be unavoidable given the fact none of us really know where some of the GU items come from...


* I read the thread about Kirk Gibson going ballistic over his batting helmet.