OK, so we are heading into the All Star break and I have 2 Forum members that I have never dealt with before and both seem to be good people, but I am getting an All Star SNUB.

One wanted some items that I had just recently acquired and the other wanted me to purchase an item on their behalf so I laid out about $800 for this person and I am now stuck with this jersey. So i have just about $1,000 sitting out there and not getting a response from either after emailing and trying to nicely reach out to both.

I have had so many great transactions with Forum members so I am not going to let anyone think this is a trend as I believe these are 2 isolated cases. I have obscured their names hoping they make this right.

Here is one email from May 16th:

I would like to buy the Phoenix bat (I'm so happy it's the grundgy one!) and the red batting gloves. But there's a hitch. I woun't even try and get a lower price because I know it may take me 3 weeks to a month to pay for these. Is it possible for you to wait that long? I'll pay sooner if I can, of course.

I've got two big %&*^#*@ purchases to make and one small one and I don't want to let those guys down. I need to pay those deals first.

So let me know what you think. But those are some sweet items you have! I'd take it all if I could ... but mainly I gotta have the beautiful grundgie Phoenix!!!!

Thank you for remembering to email me!

Here is one email from June 12th:

Andrew -

If you don't mind securing it for me until I have my funding - just making sure you understand my situation and that it will probably be about a month before I have my funds - I would be more grateful than words can express...

Please check on the 07 as well...