Quote Originally Posted by murfsteve25 View Post
To bring a good point back up that was said earlier:

It's the Hall of FAME, not Morality.

There are reasons why each member of the HOF is in there, it's because they were beyond good at what they did. Pete is the all time hit leader, so its obvious that he was beyond good at hitting right? So he should be in. He didnt cheat to get those hits. He didnt use PED's. He did it right. He just happened to do something on the side that was away from his moments at the plate.
Time heals all wounds.

If you think about it, that is what is happening here. The people who were outraged by Rose initially are losing interest and others who adamantly supported his ban are being replaced by a new generation who only see his performance, not his transgressions.

Makes me wonder how McGwire, Sosa, Clemens and the rest will be perceived in 20 years.