Selig confirmed at the All-Star Game press conference that the Joe Jackson file is under review. The transcript of the press conference can be found here (the JJ question is about 2/3 of the way down):

Of course, he said the same thing in 1999, so don't hold your breath. From the Washington Post, May 29, 1999:

"Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig is "reviewing the entire file" of banned baseball legend Shoeless Joe Jackson, Sen. Tom Harkin (D- Iowa) said yesterday.

Harkin wrote to Selig in March, asking the commissioner to reinstate Jackson to baseball, a move that would make him eligible for the Hall of Fame."

Selig has made it known that he'll be stepping down sooner rather than later, so perhaps he'll reinstate Rose and Jackson as one of his last official acts to go out on a high note.
