Why is it that when anyone voices a differing opinion, the best line most guys can come up with is that the person is a "hater."

Two things I do not allow anyone, even children, to say about someone else is that they are "stupid" or that they are a "hater."

Now, Joba, you know I like you. I would respect your writing more if you found words to replace "stupid" and "hater."

PS Weren't you at the double-header in the Dome back around the late '90s-early 2000s. Might have been the last double-header played in the Dome. Giambi was playing first. One of the games was Turn Back the Clock too -- Giambi had taken a scissor and cut the sleeves off shorter to fit better. And I think the first game went maybe 16 innings ... and then the night game. Jason G. was in his prime and I enjoyed watching him from just a few seats away. Some day remind me to send you photos I took of him that day.