Quote Originally Posted by NYCrulesU View Post
Pretty much the point of my post. The bat is the teams property. If they say they want it back, you'll give it back or they'll escort you from the stadium empty handed. This entire thread has turned into a senseless arguement because a few don't seem to get reality, they are obsessed with the whole "finders keepers" mentality. Which, btw, doesn't not apply in this or many other facets of adult life.
Where's your proof, NYCrulesU?

You guys can come up with all of these rediculous examples that are completely unrelated to the act of a bat flying into the stands.....and you can state whatever your feelings are about logic, theft, the theory of relativity, whatever......but you have yet to show one shread of evidence that there is a written rule that states if a bat flies into the stands, you HAVE TO give it back.

It is NOT theft. That's absurb. You didn't jump the fence and run into the dugout and grab it out of the rack and take off with a trail of security on your tail. It is an incident of pure chance at a baseball game. And I say if the player is inept at hanging onto his own bat, thereby placing the fans in danger by hurling it into the seats.....the least he can do is walk over to the batboy who, having just grabbed another $60.00 bat out of the rack, will hand him another, and try a little harder to do his job without endangering the very fans who pay him his fat contract.

If a security guard comes at me because I am hanging onto a bat that was just airborn into the seats......right at me......they will NOT be taking if from me, PERIOD. I don't care what your perception is, what law you THINK I'm breaking, or how attached the overpayed multi-millionaire baseball player is to his game prepared bat.....it's MINE! That's the way it goes, and it is a very rare occurance. So for the last time, the player, the team personal, and security, should just back off and allow the fan to keep the bat. Otherwise, they should have the snot sued out of them.

I can't wait for that to occur one day so we can get our answer once and for all, since no one here has supplied anything but an opinion.

In law....."possession is nine tenths of the law". Once it's in my hands by no act of my own, thereby completely eliminated any "intent" on my part of possessing it, it's a public relations play. You want to take it from me?......get ready for the grief it will cause. Add to that the danger involved with a bat coming at you like Tommy Lasorda coaching third base......

Cold dead hands, baby.

wake me up with you guys prove me wrong.....