As the originator of this post - which was simply to put up some pics of Giambi's 1st at bat as a Rockie (since I was at the game) for those who are Giambi fans, I'd just like to say you guys are taking this post OFF TOPIC.

As a BASEBALL fan, I'll be honest - I liked Giambi on Team USA and with the A's. HATED him as a Yankee (I dislike the Yankees in general - and that's my right). Liked him as an A again and LOVE that he's with the Rox now.

BMH let the cat out of the bag a few weeks ago (well before there were ANY reports that Giambi might come here) when in another thread he posted that "Shultzy (Keith Schultz - Rox Equipment Manager) called from the Rockies. I need to start making some Giambi bats."

My friends here didn't understand the move thinking (As Milledge said a post or two ago) Giambi was going to take a Roster Spot. I already understood that he would have to accept an assignment to the SkySox and then get called up Sept 1st when rosters expanded. (The Rockies made the same offer to Tony Clark who refused to go the SkySox first.)

Giambi is a HUGE plus down the stretch for all of the young guys to rally around with all of his post season experience.

That all said, I hope you guys who like Giambi - or those who just like seeing a player's 1st game with his new team - enjoy the pics.

- Chris