MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

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  • 33bird
    • Nov 2005
    • 1925

    Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

    Yea, I mean, I think MJ was the greatest player ever. Most fans do. He's got nothing left to prove. If you couldn't see the difference between his speech and all the others you got the MJ blinders on. It should have been more about his family, coaches, teammates, trainers, and those that helped get him there. Not about all those petty things that nobody cares about anymore except him. No biggie, except I lost a little respect for him.


    • NYCrulesU
      • Jul 2009
      • 232

      Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

      Originally posted by 33bird
      They saved the worst for last-not the best. Did you guys see it? Stocks, Sloans, and Robos were great. They gave everybody credit for helping them get to the HOF. It was more about others than themselves. Then MJ comes up and disses about everyone from his high school teammate for making the team when he didn't, to Dean Smith not putting him on the SI cover, to Doug Collins not wanting him to play during the off season, to Krause taking credit for the Bulls championships, to Reinsdorf trying to protect his investment during his 2nd season, to Bryon Russell for talking trash to him, to Pat Riley for telling his players not to eat with him on game days, etc. etc. Was real disappointed. Hardly mentioned his family, other than it's gotta be tuff to be my kids. Mentioned no teammates other than Pippen once and tons of his teammates were there: I saw Kukoc, Kerr, and even Rodman. He even said shit in his speech. Man, everybody knows you're the greatest Mike. It's time to back off the me, me, me, and give others some credit. There's a nice article about this on yahoo sports. Dude rips apart his speech. Saying MJ was the only player that could ever get away with all the things he said. He's a cruddy husband, cruddy father, and a cruddy GM. I think he's lost without the contest competition and fanfare. Real disappointed. What did you guys think?

      Thank you for bringing this up. I couldn't agree with you more. I settled in to watch, what I thought, was going to be the greatest NBA HOF induction ceremony that I would probably ever see in my lifetime. What I got was an ending that actually had me in shock. MJ was arrogant, pompous and exceedingly selfish in everything he said. It was unbelievable. So much so that I actually turned it off at one point about midway through his speech. I honestly couldn't stand to sit there and watch him ridicule anyone from team executives to players to some kid back when he was in high school. In clearly showed what is truly in his heart.

      His entire attitude was, as I now think of Jordan himself, sad and pathetic.


      • corsairs22
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2008
        • 103

        Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

        I lost a lot of respect for him. I'm glad I am not like Mike. But I will drink Gatorade.


        • sportscentury
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2005
          • 2008

          Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

          Originally posted by corsairs22
          I lost a lot of respect for him. I'm glad I am not like Mike. But I will drink Gatorade.
          Yes, Gatorade is refreshing.
          Always looking for top NBA game worn items of superstar and Hall-of-Fame-caliber players (especially Kobe, LeBron, MJ, Curry and Durant). Also looking for game worn items of all players from special events (e.g., All Star Game, NBA Finals, milestone games, etc.). Please contact me at gameusedequip2@hotmail.com. Thank you.


          • kingjammy24
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2005
            • 3119

            Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

            seems i'm one of the few who liked it. during his prime, jordan was often derided for wasting his immense global influence on little more than selling big macs and nikes. "you better eat your wheaties" was his most profound soundbite. most felt that he intentionally kept his thoughts to himself to avoid possibly making waves that might affect his lucrative sponsorships. during his glory years, basketball's greatest player came across as little more than a carefully-controlled marketing image crafted by mcdonalds, nike, etc. a man who kept his mouth shut at all times, except to utter marketing slogans.

            his HOF speech was a 180 from the reserved jordan known by the public during his playing days. he finally came out and spoke from the heart and i suppose that's the reason i enjoyed it. negative or not, it certainly wasn't the usual canned bullshit filled with insipid cliches that characterize most speeches. i have more respect for a man who speaks his mind, even if it isn't all lollipops and butterflies, than a man so concerned about possibly offending others that he filters everything he says until it's little more than watered-down, politically correct cack. these sorts of speeches would be a lot more interesting if more people had the guts to speak their mind instead of rattling off another boilerplate speech that could be delivered by anyone. "i'd like to thank my family and the team and the good Lord above for making my dreams come true. it just goes to show that hard work pays off and blah blah blah blah". i guess i see more point in watching a charles barkley interview than a cal ripken interview because at least with barkley i don't know how the whole thing is going to go before it even starts.

            most of the negative things he said about others was in the context of explaining what motivated him.



            • both-teams-played-hard
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2005
              • 2712

              Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

              Originally posted by kingjammy24
              seems i'm one of the few who liked it. during his prime, jordan was often derided for wasting his immense global influence on little more than selling big macs and nikes. "you better eat your wheaties" was his most profound soundbite. most felt that he intentionally kept his thoughts to himself to avoid possibly making waves that might affect his lucrative sponsorships. during his glory years, basketball's greatest player came across as little more than a carefully-controlled marketing image crafted by mcdonalds, nike, etc. a man who kept his mouth shut at all times, except to utter marketing slogans.

              his HOF speech was a 180 from the reserved jordan known by the public during his playing days. he finally came out and spoke from the heart and i suppose that's the reason i enjoyed it. negative or not, it certainly wasn't the usual canned bullshit filled with insipid cliches that characterize most speeches. i have more respect for a man who speaks his mind, even if it isn't all lollipops and butterflies, than a man so concerned about possibly offending others that he filters everything he says until it's little more than watered-down, politically correct cack. these sorts of speeches would be a lot more interesting if more people had the guts to speak their mind instead of rattling off another boilerplate speech that could be delivered by anyone. "i'd like to thank my family and the team and the good Lord above for making my dreams come true. it just goes to show that hard work pays off and blah blah blah blah". i guess i see more point in watching a charles barkley interview than a cal ripken interview because at least with barkley i don't know how the whole thing is going to go before it even starts.

              most of the negative things he said about others was in the context of explaining what motivated him.

              So true.
              Maybe Jordan should have thanked more people. Then again, maybe more people should thank Jordan. Jordan globalized basketball, both amateur and professional. Jordan made the NBA millions, which in turn, made many marginal players, millions. If it wasn't for MJ, would anyone even know who Scottie Pippen is?


              • 33bird
                • Nov 2005
                • 1925

                Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

                MJ's had his ass kissed his whole life, but I can see, sorta, what you're saying. But even he said in his speech, "You guys already know everything about me." Well, if that's true, which it is, then don't go over all that petty bull crap about Leroy Smith and Jerry Krause again. Yea, it wasn't the same old speech that everyone gives, but I didn't find it interesting or inspirational either. Found it petty and embarrasing really. Somebody post the yahoo sports article about it all on here and let everybody read that. The reporter tore MJ's speech a hole and it was well deserved.


                • suicide_squeeze
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 1442

                  Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

                  Michael Jordan's speech was pathetic.

                  For someone who rose to such greatness, he could have come up with something a bit more "enriching" for all of his life-long fans, teammates, family, friends, coaches, etc. to remember his enshrinement by.

                  If he wasn't up to the task, he should have spent a bit of his massive fortune and hired a speech writer.....then stayed off the golf course a few days to read it over and over and over so he knew what to say when he took the stage.

                  David Robinson is a class act, far too rich in character to even remotely be associated with the NBA.....although I will say that under Stern's watch, the NBA has risen to a much higher level of class. The Hall of Fame stage and the setting it took place in was about the most beautiful setting I have ever seen....easily rivaling any Academy Awards ceremony (or any other for that matter) I have ever seen.

                  I'll leave it with this: MJ might have been the greatest basketball player ever to grace his city with a natural born superstar leader.....but he is the Barry Bonds/Pete Rose of basketball. His character flaws were deep. And I agree, it's all about what the athlete did on the court. But there copmes a point in time that you just have to extend that "greatness" into your personal life too, or what worth do you really have to society, or yourself for that matter?

                  I don't have a problem with Michael Jordan walking into the casino's and dropping a $MILL here and there like he has over the years on several occasions....that was his problem. But 20 years ago, while at work one day, a friend of mine was shaking his head because the "Bulls are in town again". When I asked him if he was bummed because he couldn't get tickets to the game, he explained that he was worried about his sister's mental state of mind because Michael Jordan picks her up in a black limo to take her to a nearby hotel while his "bodyguards" stand watch outside. We were blown away with this. I mean, we weren't naive, but it really hit's home when it's someone you know that these things happen to. That's when you've got to rethink who it is you idolize. It turns out she met Michael Jordan at a club one time. He took a fancy to her, to say the least, and had an ongoing affair with her. She was 20 years old. And yes, Michael Jordan was married at the time, and had very young children already.

                  He didn't thank her in his speech, go figure.


                  • both-teams-played-hard
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 2712

                    Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

                    Originally posted by suicide_squeeze
                    But 20 years ago, while at work one day, a friend of mine was shaking his head because the "Bulls are in town again". When I asked him if he was bummed because he couldn't get tickets to the game, he explained that he was worried about his sister's mental state of mind because Michael Jordan picks her up in a black limo to take her to a nearby hotel while his "bodyguards" stand watch outside. We were blown away with this. I mean, we weren't naive, but it really hit's home when it's someone you know that these things happen to. That's when you've got to rethink who it is you idolize. It turns out she met Michael Jordan at a club one time. He took a fancy to her, to say the least, and had an ongoing affair with her. She was 20 years old. And yes, Michael Jordan was married at the time, and had very young children already.
                    Did you break this "scoop" with TMZ?
                    I can see the headline now: "The Barry Bonds of the NBA cheated on his wife 20 years ago". Riveting.


                    • CollectGU
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2005
                      • 917

                      Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

                      I think that many of the characteristics (or character flaws) that made Jordan the greatest to ever play where on hand in his speech: selfish, stubborn, petty, relentless, cocky, etc..I think the speech gave you a very interesting look into the psyche of Jordan and what drove him to greatness. All of the things you hated about his speech are attributable to those chracteristics that made him the greatest. That's why his speech was actually good, because it was real.



                      • gameused
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2005
                        • 1912

                        Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

                        Byron Russell has a message for Jordan.



                        • SWPY
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 60

                          Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

                          MJ is my favorite player of all time, but I would have to agree with 33bird, his speach was dissapointing in everyway. My take is that he didn't even prepare for that speech with the exception of his last statement where "...fear is just an illusion." Very dissapointing!


                          • suicide_squeeze
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 1442

                            Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

                            Originally posted by both-teams-played-hard
                            Did you break this "scoop" with TMZ?
                            I can see the headline now: "The Barry Bonds of the NBA cheated on his wife 20 years ago". Riveting.


                            What was the reason for this post? Did I say it was a "scoop"? All I was doing was sharing with fellow members something that I am first-person aware of, that gives

                            But I guess if you just have to blow off a bit of steam because I stepped on your boy, feel free. Punks kind of hang together anyways, no matter how much fame and fortune one of them has obtained. Go at it, "bro".


                            • suicide_squeeze
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 1442

                              Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

                              Not sire why part of my last post "disappeared"...

                              First sentence shoul finish .... "that gives a little insight as to his character which is pretty much status-quo for any professional star athlete."


                              • rj_lucas
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 489

                                Re: MJ's disappointing HOF speech..

                                Originally posted by CollectGU
                                I think that many of the characteristics (or character flaws) that made Jordan the greatest to ever play where on hand in his speech: selfish, stubborn, petty, relentless, cocky, etc..I think the speech gave you a very interesting look into the psyche of Jordan and what drove him to greatness. All of the things you hated about his speech are attributable to those chracteristics that made him the greatest. That's why his speech was actually good, because it was real.

                                Substitute the word 'actions' for 'speech' and 'Rose' for 'Jordan' and you've given us a perfect description of Pete Rose.

                                Minus the Hall of Fame part of course...


