I find myself really angry with the way this season ended. The Dodgers truly had the tools to beat the Phillies this year. I give props to the Phillies, they are truly a great team, dominant in many ways, but the Dodgers were so close. And I guess the real reason I feel the need to vent is because to me, it was sooo easy to predict what was going to happen.

In fact, I predicted it last year. I was just hoping against hope I would be wrong.....but I had it on the nose.

The Dodgers are once again sitting at home because of one person, and one person only. If any of you listened to me last year, you'd know who I'm referring to. I was on ESPN radio on Thursday talking to Brian and Michael (Thompson) about it....

Jonathan Broxton.

For all of you who think he's so great......the NL All-Star this year......let me give you a clue.

He's a proven LOSER.

I can recall at least 6 times this year where he outright just blew a game for the Dodgers that he was handed the ball to win.....after this strong team played there hearts out. That alone.....is no big deal. But when you get to the elite part of the season, and it's ALL ON THE LINE......he's worthless.

TWO YEARS in a row now, he has single-handedly killed the Dodgers. After game four this year, the Dodgers were DONE. There is no way they come back from the bitter defeat Broxton handed his teammates.

Last year, Matt Stairs ruined him. He is psychologically damaged goods. (Has that BOMB Matt hit off of him with the season on the line even landed yet??) Nothing will ever be more evident as when Broxton faced Matt Stairs and had a chance to redeam himself this year. We were THREE outs away from winning the game, and guaranteeing bringing this series back to L.A., no matter what happened in game 5. And for anyone who knows the Dodgers and watched them this year, stringing two wins together in Los Angeles against ANYBODY is more than possible for this strong Dodger team.

Just ask Carpenter and Wainright.

How do you, as a CLOSER, walk Matt Stairs on four straight pitches, only to drill the next batter in the elbow??? Matt wasn't going to win the game this time.....there was nobody on base! Then you follow that up with a BEAN-job??? The SEASON is ON THE LINE, you FAT SLOB!

Then, after getting two outs with the 8th and 9th batters in the line up, he goes 3-0 to Rollins. GREAT job Broxton. You are ONE OUT FROM ENDING THIS GAME, AND TYING UP THE SERIES......and you're back to throwing BALLS???? So now, he HAS to throw a strike, so he goes into "Little League" mode and grooves two straight 99 MPH fastballs right down the middle of the plate. Rollins, taking them BOTH like a professional would, now has his timing down, and is sitting dead red fastball.......Broxton, being the LOSER that he is, oblidges. He throws his perfect 99-MPH batting practice meatball over the plate, and Jimmy being an ex-MVP isn't going to miss that, no. He drives the final stake right into the hearts of what should have been the 2009 World Series winners.

Game over. Season over. NO WAY do they recover from that blow.

If Jonathan Broxton can not develope into a PROFESSIONAL pitcher, and learn to throw the hitters off by changing up speeds with a slider or curve now and then.....what good is he? He is nothing more than a predictable blazing fastball pitcher.....and everyone knows that a professional hitter makes a living off of guys like that. I told my wife last year that if that pitcher, in BAD need of a Jenny Craig course, is still the closer for the Dodgers this year, he would be the end of them again. Gee, what a genius I am.

So as Dodger fans, do we REALLY want to see this guy with the season on the line and the BALL in HIS hand again NEXT YEAR???

Count me as one fan who doesn't.

I say get rid of him if he can't mix his pitches up and consistently throw 3-4 different pitches for strikes. He's a CLOSER. God DAMN IT. Not a batting practice baffoon. He NEEDS to shut it down, not END the season for his teammates.

Sorry for my airing it out, but it's all part of the healing process. So as a true baseball fan, I will be ruiting for the Phillies to absolutely DESTROY the Yankees in the World Series....that is, if the Yankees can finish off the Angels.

We know we'll be looking at better starting pitching next year, but Broxton needs to go away. He's a loser.

Any other Dodger fans thoughts?