I realize that this situation is certainly unique, but I have a 1988 road grey GU uniform top of Billy Ripken # 7 with the evidence of # 3 underneath. His father, Cal Ripken Sr. started the season as manager wearing # 7 and Billy wearing # 3...After six games, Ripken Sr. was fired and Billy could not stand the thought of another player wearing that number, so he switched from # 3 to # 7. It's one of my neater items and it actually was on display in the Ripken Museum in Aberdeen, MD while they were open from 1996 thru 2003.

The ironic thing was that I certainly knew the story of this when I purchased the jersey is 1990 or so, however the dealer who sold it to me was not and he actually gave me a discount (I didn't even ask for one) due to the "number change" that he missed earlier....