I just spoke with Mike Heffner from Leland's regarding some NASL jerseys that were sent to him as potential consignment items.

I was very impressed by the fact that Mike took the time to contact me about the jerseys in order to learn more about them.

I know that it's impossible for auction houses to have the specialized expertise necessary to develop in-depth knowledge of everything that they sell. The fact that Leland's made a good faith effort to verify the authenticity of the jerseys speaks volumes to me.

I'm sure that I speak for many hobby veterans in saying that I am always willing to share my specialized knowledge with anyone who asks. I only wish that more people would avail themselves of such opportunties before buying or selling items with which they are not intimately familiar.

The moral of the story is don't be afraid to ask the opinions of others who may have specialized knowledge. While you may not get the answer that you had hoped to receive, you will be in a better position to make an informed decision and may even make a new friend.

Mike Grueber