Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

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  • Mulligans
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2009
    • 989

    Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

    Originally posted by BU54CB
    Here's where I respectfully disagree with you.

    Not all collectors have the same requirements for a game used jersey as you do. Some don't care about the stats, patches, or game use. You assume you are speaking for most Urlacher game used collectors, but I don't see how that's possible.

    The orange alternate showed plenty of game use despite being washed, the captain patch didn't exist until 2 years later, and many of Urlacher's GU weren't hemmed before 2007.

    An auction is an auction, I don't think anyone got that jersey on the cheap. The price is a market price at the time of the auction, plain and simple. Are there factors that contribute to that, sure, but the hammer price is what it is.

    I understand you prefer what you prefer, more power to you. Many collectors don't share the same preferences you do, that's the beauty of collecting.
    There are many individual preferences amongst collectors, but more often than not I fall into this camp......In my opinion, the player either wore it in a game or he didn't.....Especially with QB's where there is little to no wear.

    I am also of the belief that just about every modern day player is available to purchase if you set your mind and your wallet on it....It wasn't like that 20 years ago. It seems as though the greater the supply, the greater the volatility in prices.

    Could anyone possibly guess how many Urlacher jerseys are out there?....Just a few Seasons ago, they had a bunch of them on the Walmart Website for sale didn't they?


    • Samets
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2012
      • 745

      Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

      Originally posted by Mulligans
      There are many individual preferences amongst collectors, but more often than not I fall into this camp......In my opinion, the player either wore it in a game or he didn't.....Especially with QB's where there is little to no wear.

      I am also of the belief that just about every modern day player is available to purchase if you set your mind and your wallet on it....It wasn't like that 20 years ago. It seems as though the greater the supply, the greater the volatility in prices.

      Could anyone possibly guess how many Urlacher jerseys are out there?....Just a few Seasons ago, they had a bunch of them on the Walmart Website for sale didn't they?
      I'm sure there are a ton of Urlacher jerseys out there and I'm sure the team "gave away" many more game prepared Urlachers for charities and such!
      For as long as JO had their contract with the Bears, every game had a new jersey that JO got unless it was something special and held back or was sent to NFL Auctions... If I count it right, that's a lot of jerseys floating out there!

      Then again, this is also true for other players and not too many are floating around but you are right, If I offered $2,000 for a Tillman or $3,000 for a Cutler, I would have a few PM's in my Inbox by the weekend...

      I also think JO set high prices on many of the jerseys since they sold like hot cakes! It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the correct "market" price is to set it a bit out of reach and try to create an artificial shortage. Sell your Urlachers, Cutlers, Hesters and Forte's POR (Price on Request) style and offer discounts to good customers as needed...

      I have heard multiple stories of asking price for an Urlacher being $8,500 but if you offer them $5,000 they would take it in a heart beat!


      • Anabolicollege17
        • May 2013
        • 365

        Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

        There is nothing better than an Urlacher jersey with T.V numbers on the shoulders. How freaking rare!


        • Samets
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2012
          • 745

          Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

          Originally posted by Palehose for Life
          What your not saying in your all knowing statement of a ton of Urlacher jerseys being in the market place is that almost all of them are Fakes, Pro-Cuts, Issued and jerseys that can't be proven one way or another. Its not what you know, what you think you know only what you can prove so those are really the types of jersey's I want to buy and/or have to sell........LMFAO

          You talk like JO had the Bears contract forever we are talking 3-4 year window here from like 2009-2011 and Game Used Authentic selling washed jerseys for a couple of years prior to JO. Since 2010 from what WE have seen and from Our ACTUAL conversations with JO and others close to Brian is that JO got around HALF @ best of his jersey's while the Bears/Brian kept the other half. With a jersey or two going to the card companies each year from JO.

          You talk this big game about what the Bears do with this and what they do with that and when you talk about JO its always he said she said hearsay when you spew this contrived crap so why don't you tell us all what YOUR ACTUAL Experience in any of this is that makes you any kind of an expert other than in your "Forgotten Stumble Bums of the Past" such as how many transactions you have had with JO? or how many Urlacher jersey transactions have you been apart of? I mean between my brother in law & I we have 8-Urlacher's under our belts and 20+ JO transactions.

          I mean seriously dude do you even have any connections in this business to be talking like your some kind of expert and have personal knowledge of inner workings of whose who or what's what? Its Laughable
          Stop taking things personally and actually read what I wrote!

          I started with "I'm sure" no where did I state I know exactly how many were released and X given to JO, then X given to someone else. What you buy and collect does not concern me! As long as it makes YOU happy, go for it!

          Yes, we are talking about JO having the contract for about 4 years and even if we take your numbers and JO got half the jerseys that would make it about 30 jerseys, give or take a few since I included the pre-season games... For giggles let's make it 20! That's 20 jerseys with JO and Chicago Bears provenance. that's a lot of jerseys. No point in trying to make them rarer than they have to be. I'm sure if I wanted a real gamer with provenance i could find one! They are not THAT rare.

          Don't worry about my transactions with JO. I have plenty of receipts from them and NFL Auctions to have an opinion. I don't know why you think I'm after an Urlacher jersey? I already stated that my family comes first and this years Urlacher jersey will be the family vacation to Dominical Republic. Let me make it simple for you. I am not looking to purchase an Urlacher jersey at all.

          Can we stop insulting my collection?


          • Samets
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2012
            • 745

            Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

            Forgot to add:

            I wonder if good Palehose or bad Palehose will be replying!

            This is sooo exiting! I'm off to microwave some popcorn.


            • Samets
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2012
              • 745

              Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

              Originally posted by Palehose for Life
              So 30 Urlacher jerseys is considered alot? Only 16 games a year with potentially a few more... Wow, okay so if you factor in say a sport like baseball and there are a dozen rizzo and castro jerseys for sale each year, 30 doesnt seem like so much. Lets look at guys like AP and Favre, even Ray Lewis. AP and Favre are notorious for wearing two jerseys per game for a good portion of the career, since they themselves are big collectors, including Lewis. If im not mistaken, dont AP jerseys sell upwards of 8k or even more depending on multiple factors... Ray Lewis gamers go for around 12k, so if you think 5-7k for an Urlacher is a bad price, i would guess again since your saying that there might be around 30 of these beauties in collectors hands over a 13yr career, which comes out just a little over 2 jerseys a year on average. Does that sound like a lot now? Still not rare? Just one mans opinion.

              In response to being able to buy an Urlacher jersey at Walmart, you must be speaking about the random jersey that pops up when you do a google search of Brian Urlacher Game Used/Worn? Yeah it shows up for sale at fans edge, walmart,amazon and a few other places, just like forte and knox does as well. The seller has it listed for 8k i believe, and there are a pair of cleats for around 1200 as well. You cant just walk into walmart and pick out an Urlacher gamer, its not that easy and there not sitting on the rack for a discount. Be Well!

              I've said this once and I'll say it again: "The market sets the price." An item is worth only as much as someone is willing to pay for that item at that time. I don't set the prices, I don't know why Ray Lewis is 12k and Urlacher is not. Maybe Urlacher needs to be accused of killing someone and that will set off skyrocketing prices for his memorabilia... Who know...

              I actually never said what is and is not a good price for an Urlacher. If you're happy with what you paid, that's all that matters!

              Enjoy your collection because you do have some sick jerseys that anyone would be proud of owning.


              • Anabolicollege17
                • May 2013
                • 365

                Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

                J.O sports does not get an Urlacher jersey from every game (when they had the contract) I know for a fact they only got 3 jerseys in 2011, and 4 in 2010. Urlacher sometimes wheres the same jersey for more than 1 game. I have personally asked a friend about this situation and he told me Urlacher has no interest in keeping his own jerseys, in fact he sends some to Hospitals to be auctioned for kids with cancer, he sent a few to the hall of fame, and he gives maybe 3% to family and or friends/client rep.

                So they are pretty rare. And forget it. I'll probably never get a nike hammered gamer unless its like what Pale hose said an issued, non patched, and non hit marked jersey posing as a real gamer. (if that be the case I have no interest at all) I 100% agree that if I'm buying a 54 shirt I want it to be hammered with use, and have that gold leader C. I also want it to be exact photo matched. A washed Urlacher would not do it for me. When people walk into my house that are average football fans. I want them to say holy shit that guy hit/played hard. I wouldn't waist my time on anything less of 54.

                But Samets I agree with you, and totally understood your post. You were in no way trying to take a shot at pale hose. My conclusion is, someone with so many beautiful Urlacher jerseys, may get a bit defensive because he knows the true value of his jerseys, and what the market is on them and he doesn't want anyone to tell him different and even put it in the heads of those who may look to buy one in future. I would classify him as an expert 54 guy, and he just wants to set the bar straight that Urlacher jerseys (good ones at that) are a thing of beauty and should be able to tell a story all on its own just by looking at it.

                Samets wasn't trying to take shots at you palehose. But I see both points, and for those who know anything about 54 shirts, we know which ones are worth more and which ones aren't with a penny on the dollar.


                • gorilla777
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 1508

                  Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

                  Originally posted by Samets
                  Forgot to add:

                  I wonder if good Palehose or bad Palehose will be replying!

                  This is sooo exiting! I'm off to microwave some popcorn.
                  Someone say popcorn?
                  Attached Files


                  • mickeymbz
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 644

                    Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

                    Originally posted by Palehose for Life
                    What your not saying in your all knowing statement of a ton of Urlacher jerseys being in the market place is that almost all of them are Fakes, Pro-Cuts, Issued and jerseys that can't be proven one way or another. Its not what you know, what you think you know only what you can prove so those are really the types of jersey's I want to buy and/or have to sell........LMFAO

                    You talk like JO had the Bears contract forever we are talking 3-4 year window here from like 2009-2011 and Game Used Authentic selling washed jerseys for a couple of years prior to JO. Since 2010 from what WE have seen and from Our ACTUAL conversations with JO and others close to Brian is that JO got around HALF @ best of his jersey's while the Bears/Brian kept the other half. With a jersey or two going to the card companies each year from JO.
                    You talk this big game about what the Bears do with this and what they do with that and when you talk about JO its always he said she said hearsay when you spew this contrived crap so why don't you tell us all what YOUR ACTUAL Experience in any of this is that makes you any kind of an expert other than in your "Forgotten Stumble Bums of the Past" such as how many transactions you have had with JO? or how many Urlacher jersey transactions have you been apart of? I mean between my brother in law & I we have 8-Urlacher's under our belts and 20+ JO transactions.

                    I mean seriously dude do you even have any connections in this business to be talking like your some kind of expert and have personal knowledge of inner workings of whose who or what's what? Its Laughable
                    Attached Files


                    • Anabolicollege17
                      • May 2013
                      • 365

                      Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

                      Originally posted by Palehose for Life
                      Great post Anabolic, good stuff and thanks for the love... I have no doubt you will land that Grail piece at some point, everything shows up its just a waiting game... for the record Jo sold six urlacher from 2011, white eagles,white Denver,navy bca panthers,navy bca Vikings, navy saints. His 9/11 and international gamers sold via NFL. That makes 8. Just for historic purposes!!! LOL,jk... we can finally get this thread back on track and use it for meaningful and useful information. And for displaying our great pickups!!!

                      Np man. I understand everything you've stated, and have been there myself. So I always try to put myself in the shoes of both people. Samets has some very valid and true points himself. I agree a jersey is only worth what someone is willing to pay. In this case a hammered photomatched Urlacher is a piece that ton of people would be willing to pay big dollars on (esp now that he's retired and played whole career as a Bear which is super iconic in its own)

                      As far as Ray Lewis jerseys selling for 12k (a 2 super bowl career has a lot to do with it, as well as 1st ballet HOFer, and open praiser of Christ) I feel all players who openly love God, and mix in a total 180 change in life they are willing to pay big bucks on the back story of his life alone. Urlacher doesn't really have that drama filled life that people love to root for. Yeah 52 was accused of murder, but he was "innocent" and never served time, so did he really do it? We will never know the truth. I know if I was in his shoes and I got accused of a crime I didn't commit I would be very upset. So its hard to say whether he did it or not. Lewis turned his whole career and life around and people respect that about him. He is one of the all time top 3 greatest leader of men in NFL of all time. That adds sex appeal all on its own. Urlacher is more of a Quiet blue collar get the job done and get out type of guy. Super likable player, but just doesn't have the drama attached to his name like Lewis has. And like I said before 2 super bowls helps big time esp if you have an Art patched Nike SB year/Last year jersey of his...Wow.

                      Man Nike is awesome imo. And whats up with Jays first series tonight? LOL dude was on his back like 3 straight snaps and a fumble... There Defense looks amazing though.


                      • COWBOYS4EVR
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 352

                        Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

                        Ebay Just Put Up A Urlacher Issued, Now You Can Go Off
                        The Market Demand For This One,


                        • Samets
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2012
                          • 745

                          Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

                          Originally posted by COWBOYS4EVR
                          Ebay Just Put Up A Urlacher Issued, Now You Can Go Off
                          The Market Demand For This One,
                          I'm sorry, what?


                          • BU54CB
                            Senior Member
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 304

                            Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

                            Originally posted by COWBOYS4EVR
                            Ebay Just Put Up A Urlacher Issued, Now You Can Go Off
                            The Market Demand For This One,
                            I don't see it, have a link?


                            • jbean023
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2011
                              • 599

                              Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

                              Originally posted by BU54CB
                              I don't see it, have a link?

                              Its got 15 watchers and 26 offers so far, must not be meeting sellers demand


                              • jbean023
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2011
                                • 599

                                Re: Show Me Your Chicago Bears Stuff.......

                                The jersey has been on there since Jan 2012

