Okay, so I went back and deleted about 3 pages worth of posts. While I did leave one post that was consistent with the purpose of the thread, I pretty much deleted all the rest of the posts as they were primarily banter and personal attacks.

Please note that the deletions were done as "soft" deletes, meaning the posts can still be viewed by the administrators if needed. While it is embarrassing that I even need to say this, this forum is not intended for people to post childish, personal attacks toward one another. In case you have any doubts, you can confirm it through the forum rules listed here:


While I understand the internet is a big place and other sites that allow people to posts, forums and otherwise, may allow for personal attacks, comments, etc, that is NOT allowed here on the Game Used Universe forum. If that is the type of environment you are seeking, please feel free to go elsewhere where that might be allowed. This forum is intended to be educational to its members and is intended to do so in a positive environment, free of childish comments.

As such, this thread will remain open. However, if any additional comments like the ones deleted are made in the future, the thread will be locked and administrative action will be taken against the posters.

Thanks in advance for your future compliance with the forum rules.
