If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

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  • 34swtns
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2006
    • 1120

    Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

    Originally posted by clinton2828

    you started this thread by bashing another collectors purchase decision and then started crying in another thread because you could not afford to outbid someone for a ronde barber jersey.

    I don’t see what you are doing to help this board. Don’t you have something better to do than to critique others buying decisions and complain about others wiling to pay more for items than you.

    Sheriff. You make me laugh. Thanks for the giggle.

    Tom, thanks for the props, but it's best to let this one go.
    One thing we all know is that you can't argue with people who have zero common sense. They're not operating from the same plane that we are. They don't think rationally like we do so arguing with them is a waste of your time.


    • tjm5711
      • Dec 2009
      • 275

      Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

      They're really not props Rick! It's the truth, and I think it's absolutely wrong to go after somebody who is making an extremely valid point that I would firmly agree with whether I knew your ugly mug or not ! LOL I am of course guessing since I've never seen your mug ! Anyways, in my opinion $5,000 should be the ceiling for any game used jersey from the past 20 years. Unless of course it was from a Super Bowl,record breaking performance,or is of a deceased or it's one of a handful of guys(Payton Manning,Favre,Drew Brees,etc). To charge $9,000 for guys like Adrian Peterson(who is awesome don't get me wrong) id ridiculous ! Since you brought up "Common Sense" I think that term applies here ! If more people had common sense and not pay these prices, dealers would have no choice but to lower their prices(which some are making ridiculous profits on and will remain nameless. I don't want to lose my privlege of buying from them by calling them out ! LOL). And if guys like that moron who bid your Barber up had more common sense we'd all be for the better 1


      • gingi79
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2007
        • 1195

        Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

        Originally posted by tjm5711
        ... I think it's absolutely wrong to go after somebody who is making an extremely valid point that I would firmly agree with...!

        ...Anyways, in my opinion $5,000 should be the ceiling for any game used jersey from the past 20 years.....

        ....To charge $9,000 for guys like Adrian Peterson(who is awesome don't get me wrong) id ridiculous..... !

        ....Since you brought up "Common Sense" I think that term applies here ! If more people had common sense and not pay these prices, dealers would have no choice but to lower their prices(which some are making ridiculous profits on and will remain nameless. I don't want to lose my privlege of buying from them by calling them out ! LOL)......

        .....And if guys like that moron who bid your Barber up had more common sense we'd all be for the better 1.....
        I normally leave people to their own opinions but if you read your slanderous comments towards Triple XXX and then your backup of Sweetness, you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Reading through your opinions has perturbed me and as is my right, I am going to explain why and hope you calm down before you cost someone money with your angry name calling Opinions-as-fact and they sue you.

        People who walk around thinking everyone cares what their opinions are usually isn't used to people listening. The fact you need to end every sentence with an exclamation point means you are yelling at all of us to listen to you. When Triple XXX gave you an explaination that is not only plausible but shows the very common sense you seem to believe you have, you don't listen you just keep yelling from your soapbox.

        Is it entirely possible the Bears had these made up, Jay didn't like them and only used the new cut? IT SURE IS. He says he bought it from the team, gave valid reasons why it is what he says it is and you can't admit you could be very, very wrong.

        Lastly, if I could sell a jersey for a million dollars or I could buy it for a million dollars, good for me. None of your business, no one cares how you feel about it and please get down off your soapbox before you contribute to the already declining atmosphere on the board.

        Remember, while these are all my opinions, they are also rooted in concrete facts and unwavering logic. You are free to agree with me or be wrong.
        Bieksallent! My Player Collections:



        • tjm5711
          • Dec 2009
          • 275

          Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

          Talking out of both sides of my mouth ? How so ? Both issues are completely unrelated !!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you psychoanalyze my use of explanations, you need to get of your soap box, and out of your fantasy world !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody's going to sue me ????? Get real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're just trying to start crap, and do the same thing you accuse me of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So buzz off, and go bother sombody else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • tjm5711
            • Dec 2009
            • 275

            Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

            And since when did these forums become a place for personal attacks ? That's where the true slander lies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            In my whole dialogue with XXX Sports, i did not attack him personally and nor did he to me. I gave my opinion of the jersey, and he gave his on my qualifications or lack there of to make those opinions. And your comment" no one cares how you feel about it." Who are you to speak for everyone on here ? How do you know what people care to read. You are way out of line making statements like that ! And when did I engage in "name-calling opinions" ? You and Clinton2828 are the only two making personal attacks on here ! You need to check yourself !!! Worry about what you write before you start pointing fingers and name calling ! And if my opinions "perturb" you? Too bad ! And how are your statements "rooted in concrete facts and unwavering logic?" Whose logic ? Yours ! What facts ? All I read in your post there were your negative attacks on me that are contributing to the "declining atmosphere of this board !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!(some extra explanation points for you !!!!!!!)


            • cohibasmoker
              • Aug 2005
              • 2379

              Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

              Hey guys, I saw this jersey on eBay and since we have Bears collectors on this forum, I was wondering if someone could identify this jersey for me. Is it a sample, team-issued or what? I've seen several of these jerseys on eBay and I was wondering what the deal was with them.

              Note the Wilson tagging? The tagging dates the jersey to August of 1992.

              Any help would be appreciated,



              Attached Files


              • TriplexXxSports
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2009
                • 1285

                Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

                Originally posted by ChrisCavalier
                Hello Tom,

                While I am not responding to the jersey you reference in this thread, please note the following rule regarding posting here:

                In instances where a forum member is identifying an item in the hobby they believe to have issues, the poster should clearly state their findings in the form of an opinion and provide adequate rationale for why they believe there is an issue. When possible, we recommend that the poster questioning an item attempt to contact the seller of the item and allow at least 24 hours for the seller to reply before posting. This will prevent postings that may be generated based on misunderstandings of an item. In addition, while this forum is designed to help educate collectors, we will not allow comments that accuse entities in the hobby of participating in any form of criminal wrong-doing. Any posts suggesting criminal wrong-doing should be brought to the attention of the moderators immediately.

                There were some comments you made in the thread that have been edited to allow for a focus on your observations about the jersey. However, please make sure to follow the rules in the future and, if warranted, provide your information in the form of an opinion. In addition, the forum is intended for educational purposes and a number of posts seemed to be going to a personal level. If there is something to be learned about the jersey that can help collectors than it will be allowed. However, please make sure that is the intent of the posts and things are not taken to a personal level.

                Lastly, the purpose of this thread has seems to have been changed from its original purpose. In the future, if posted in accordance with the forum rules and is for eduactional and not personal reasons, it would likely be more appropriate to create a separate thread rather than changing the focus of an existing thread.

                Thank you for your cooperation.

                All of your slanderous quotes and accusations were removed by the mods. It was only after I provided my opinion with documentation did things become 'opinion' based between us. But to say that you did not toss 'uncalled for' comments out there is untrue, that's why the mods edited half your posts in this thread.


                • TriplexXxSports
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 1285

                  Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

                  Originally posted by cohibasmoker
                  Hey guys, I saw this jersey on eBay and since we have Bears collectors on this forum, I was wondering if someone could identify this jersey for me. Is it a sample, team-issued or what? I've seen several of these jerseys on eBay and I was wondering what the deal was with them.

                  Note the Wilson tagging? The tagging dates the jersey to August of 1992.

                  Any help would be appreciated,





                  • GarkoCollector
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 495

                    Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

                    I thought garbage wasn't supposed to be knee deep until Christmas morning.


                    • tjm5711
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 275

                      Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

                      Originally posted by TriplexXxSports

                      All of your slanderous quotes and accusations were removed by the mods. It was only after I provided my opinion with documentation did things become 'opinion' based between us. But to say that you did not toss 'uncalled for' comments out there is untrue, that's why the mods edited half your posts in this thread.
                      You are incorrect ! The only things removed by the mods were your references to my first and last name, and mine to you! There were no slanderous quotes !


                      • TriplexXxSports
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 1285

                        Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

                        Man, this thread DID turn into a........
                        Attached Files


                        • TriplexXxSports
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 1285

                          Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

                          Originally posted by tjm5711
                          This is the example of a Jay Cutler Jersey that was just sold on Ebay


                          Took out the word 'FAKE'


                          • gingi79
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2007
                            • 1195

                            Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

                            Originally posted by tjm5711
                            Talking out of both sides of my mouth ? How so ? Both issues are completely unrelated !!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you psychoanalyze my use of explanations, you need to get of your soap box, and out of your fantasy world !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody's going to sue me ????? Get real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're just trying to start crap, and do the same thing you accuse me of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So buzz off, and go bother sombody else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Sigh. Merry Christmas. I simply cannot spend my day explaining why a grown man incapable of writing without dozens of exclamation points doesn't mean he's right. So I'm going to dumb this down so you get the point and maybe move on instead of taking over someones thread with inane and half cocked comments and accusations. Re-read Chris' thread about contacting people about their items before wrongly blasting them.

                            Originally posted by tjm5711
                            Talking out of both sides of my mouth ? How so ? Both issues are completely unrelated
                            "I refuse to sit here and watch him get bashed for starting a thread that addresses the crazy high prices charged for unproven players ! 20 Grand for a guy who just played a couple games ! Come on, He's right on time with his assessment. I can personally attest to what he has done to help my growth and development in this hobby ! I learned a lot in a very short time thanks to this man ! he is EXTREMELY informed about game-used jerseys. Thus in my opinion, I believe what he has to say is extremely valid! And i refuse to sit here and watch him get bashed for expressing his honest and open opinion !"

                            Sweetness is a great collector, full of knowledge and I am sure a fine upstanding citizen. But you sat here and bashed someone who sold what looks to be an authentic game/team issued item without so much as asking the guy why he says it is game issued! Triple XXX is EXTREMELY informed as well and his opinion on these items is just as valid and worthy of listening to as Sweetness. Oh and lets borrow your comment to sum up why you are talking out of both sides of your mouth except this time it's about Triple XXX instead of 34
                            Originally posted by tjm5711
                            "i refuse to sit here and watch him get bashed for expressing his honest and open opinion !"
                            Originally posted by tjm5711
                            Before you psychoanalyze my use of explanations, you need to get of your soap box, and out of your fantasy world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            You are right. People who can't afford to overpay for jerseys and whine about it are in a much better sense of reality. Just like people who can't spell or express dissenting opinions without facts or the absence of !!!!! are always right. Or not.

                            Oh and if your opinion was seen by a collector who would explain in court that they didn't buy an item you blasted as fake and it cost a seller money, that is Slander. As in you will be sued for your opinions written as facts which are wrong and financially costly to another person. If you stopped writing long enough to read the sellers response, I'd think you offer an apology.

                            Now, if only Chris would read your entire, unmodified posts entirely within this thread, maybe you'd understand why !!!!!!! aren't enhancing this board.
                            Bieksallent! My Player Collections:



                            • cohibasmoker
                              • Aug 2005
                              • 2379

                              Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

                              Originally posted by TriplexXxSports

                              XXX - Thanks for the opinion. I've seen a bunch of Bears jerseys on eBay that were similar to the Singletary and I was wondering, since they had year tags on them, perhaps they were at least team-issued. Glad I didn't buy it. Someone paid $150.00 for a retail jersey.



                              • tjm5711
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 275

                                Re: If you paid BIG $ for JO's Cutler or Sanchez

                                XXX, I'm really done with all the debating ! You made your points and I made mine. I will agree to put an end to it as long as it goes both ways ! I will state one last opinion though ! LOL

                                In my opinion XXXSports is a very legitimate dealer/collector. I have seen the items on his website, and he has some very real and great items ! I merely had an issue with one, and as far as I'm concerned it's done !

                                Merry Christmas !!!!!

