Quote Originally Posted by tjm5711 View Post
Talking out of both sides of my mouth ? How so ? Both issues are completely unrelated !!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you psychoanalyze my use of explanations, you need to get of your soap box, and out of your fantasy world !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody's going to sue me ????? Get real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're just trying to start crap, and do the same thing you accuse me of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So buzz off, and go bother sombody else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sigh. Merry Christmas. I simply cannot spend my day explaining why a grown man incapable of writing without dozens of exclamation points doesn't mean he's right. So I'm going to dumb this down so you get the point and maybe move on instead of taking over someones thread with inane and half cocked comments and accusations. Re-read Chris' thread about contacting people about their items before wrongly blasting them.

Quote Originally Posted by tjm5711 View Post
Talking out of both sides of my mouth ? How so ? Both issues are completely unrelated
"I refuse to sit here and watch him get bashed for starting a thread that addresses the crazy high prices charged for unproven players ! 20 Grand for a guy who just played a couple games ! Come on, He's right on time with his assessment. I can personally attest to what he has done to help my growth and development in this hobby ! I learned a lot in a very short time thanks to this man ! he is EXTREMELY informed about game-used jerseys. Thus in my opinion, I believe what he has to say is extremely valid! And i refuse to sit here and watch him get bashed for expressing his honest and open opinion !"

Sweetness is a great collector, full of knowledge and I am sure a fine upstanding citizen. But you sat here and bashed someone who sold what looks to be an authentic game/team issued item without so much as asking the guy why he says it is game issued! Triple XXX is EXTREMELY informed as well and his opinion on these items is just as valid and worthy of listening to as Sweetness. Oh and lets borrow your comment to sum up why you are talking out of both sides of your mouth except this time it's about Triple XXX instead of 34
Quote Originally Posted by tjm5711 View Post
"i refuse to sit here and watch him get bashed for expressing his honest and open opinion !"
Quote Originally Posted by tjm5711 View Post
Before you psychoanalyze my use of explanations, you need to get of your soap box, and out of your fantasy world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are right. People who can't afford to overpay for jerseys and whine about it are in a much better sense of reality. Just like people who can't spell or express dissenting opinions without facts or the absence of !!!!! are always right. Or not.

Oh and if your opinion was seen by a collector who would explain in court that they didn't buy an item you blasted as fake and it cost a seller money, that is Slander. As in you will be sued for your opinions written as facts which are wrong and financially costly to another person. If you stopped writing long enough to read the sellers response, I'd think you offer an apology.

Now, if only Chris would read your entire, unmodified posts entirely within this thread, maybe you'd understand why !!!!!!! aren't enhancing this board.