I liked the format of this auction and liked that it ended each lot individually instead of keeping me up till 4 AM. It was well run overall, though I think there was not an incredible volume of bidding on the lots I was watching.

In any case, I watched lots of the Red Sox items and after living in fear of 2004 Sox jersey tagging for 7 years, I bought the Ortiz jersey that Dave M authenticated for a bid of $475. The 2004 Schilling and Manny jerseys went for quite a bit more. There was a GU Griffey lot with a nice GU helmet that went for more then $1300, and a couple nice griffey bats too.

Anyone else get anything good? Or did enyone else find evidence to discredit the 2004 Sox Jerseys? I could find no issues other than the relatively light use on these.

Pitchers and catchers report in less than 3 weeks...and GU prices will rise...

Matt Miller