Quote Originally Posted by legaleagle92481 View Post
Really? I have not seen one of these ever on the market. It is usually stars and stripes caps, Jackie Robinson Day jerseys and Pink bats that they seem to auction. They should do a better job getting it out there like they do with the aforementioned stuff. The pink bats to me are not desirable because they just look weird displayed among other sports stuff like a bunch of jerseys, regular bats and then theres this pink one. I would much rather have a regular bat and make a donation to the cancer research. Although I do like the pink captain's patch football jerseys because they are not all pink and they auction alot of players you cannot find any other no doubt about it authentic jerseys of.

I totally disagree, but isnt that what makes this great... I think a pink bat stands out amongst the others as a unique and special item... Similarly, if there was a display of 12 black-finish bats would you feel the same way about one blonde bat being added to the group? I doubt it. Personally, part of the fun for me is the diversity and variation, and I think the "novelty" bats are fun, interesting, and look great. They're a good conversation starter and they sell at a premium to other bats; and therefore serve their purpose for raising funds and awareness. Plus the pink bats seems to really capture ink transfers - the contrast between game use and the bat color is pretty high, so they really capture game use and display well.

I love em... keep em coming.