Quote Originally Posted by jobathenut View Post
I hate to take the other side on this as you guys have all ganged up on and bashed this seller.But i just went on there and the seller is a top rated seller.I mean they joined in 98 and still has 100% feedbacks.So the poeple that have bought from them don't seem to have the same problem with thier items.Maybe they take it as a insult being asked questions about thier items.That you should just assume what they are selling is authticate saying they have perfect feedback.I mean you would think by now if someone who bought their item had a question about it there would be a comment to it in thier feedback and there isnt from what i read.You guys can all gang up on me like you have them.But i think they just feel they should'nt be questions about a jerseys they are selling for under $200.I understand your questions and they are good ones.That whole game issued and game worn debate.And if a person who rides the bench is still considered game worn as they did where it during a game.They just didnt play in the actual game.I am just thinking why this person might have that rude reaction to your questions.I don't know why the person can not just be nice about ansewering the questions but some people get upset and take it as you are implying that thier items are not authentic when you ask them questions about thier items.
The #1 rule for buying game used items is to ask questions.
If you cant answer a question with out being a jerk. Then why should
I buy from you.
It's just like buying from anywhere else. If you get rude service then you take your business somewhere else.